My fouling problem continues. I decided to take the carbs off, which is quite simple, and give them a cleaning. I did this because when I was syncing my carbs, I had constant fuel flow using a water bottle and some fittings. Well, needless to say, the next thing I know is tbat I had gas coming out from somewhere behind the airbox pouring on my chain. I guess it was coming from the vents that go in back of the airbox. Well I yanked the carbs out and found that I had 127.5 main jets and 35 pilot jets. I think this is the stage 1 sizes. I told the mechanic at the dealer I bought it from and he gave me some 112.5's and some shims if I needed to adjust the needle. The float needle valve is my main concern though. None of them look distorted. They still have a good taper but for some reason do not seem to be sealing. The floats are at the correct measurement. I am soaking them in some seafoam to see if I can clean them up. For 30 buck a piece for the needle vavle at the stealership, I'll do anything I can to get them to seat properly. What does everyone else use for a thick varnish buildup?