'Sup tacoman? I say, go for it!!
Well, much to my surprise (NOT!!) I found that the rear brake is not releasing like it should. Bogus!!!!!!!!!!
Now, at the beginning of hte freaking riding season, I have to spend a Saturday morning re-building the damned caliper.
Is there anything else I can do? Can I pull the caliper, extend the pistons a tad, and hit 'em with some cleaner? I bet it's not that easy.
I went to Ron Ayers (who rock, BTW
) and searched their microfiche. THey list hte dust seals/piston seals as "discontinued." WTF?!?!?!? It's a 2002, how can it be discontinued?
Does anyone know of anywhere else that I can find these little buggers?
. . . and again, is there any alternative to re-building? I can do it, I just don't want to wast ethe tiem unless it is absolutely necessary.
I posted the same qusetion on max-'zuk but got no answers. Gee, the love must not be there. I guess you piss in enough Wheaties (by posting too many of your opinions) you get what's yours, eh?
[Scarface voice]Thassokaaay!! A couple of qualudes . . . <they'll> love me in the morn-in.[/Scarface voice]