I have been asked several times:
What is the difference between Horsepower and Torque?
I have two answers to that question.
1. The Technical Definition:Q: What is Horsepower?
Horsepower is defined as work done over time. The exact definition of one horsepower is 33,000 lb.ft./minute. Put another way, if you were to lift 33,000 pounds one foot over a period of one minute, you would have been working at the rate of one horsepower. In this case, you'd have expended one horsepower-minute of energy.
Q: What is torque?
A: Torque is a physical vector quantity characteristic for an object in rotational motion around a certain given axis. By definition torque (tau2.gif (826 bytes)) is the cross product between the vector of position (r) of the point where a force is applied (from an origin considered to be on the axis of rotation) and the applied force (F) (tau2.gif (826 bytes) = r x F). According to the definition of the cross (or vector) product, the magnitude of the torque is equal to the magnitude of r times the magnitude of F multiplied by sine of the angle (phi2.gif (845 bytes)) between r and F (tau2.gif (826 bytes) = r F sin phi2.gif (845 bytes)). In this expression for magnitude of the torque, the product (r sin phi2.gif (845 bytes)) is equal to the magnitude of the distance (d) between the axis of rotation and the "line of action" of the force (F) (r sin phi2.gif (845 bytes) = d). This distance (d) is called "arm of the force." Now, the torque can be expressed as tau2.gif (826 bytes) = Fd (torque is equal to force multiplied by the arm of the force.) Intuitively, torque can be interpreted as "force with a twist" since it results in rotation of the object on which the force is applied.
2. The Easy Definition:Horsepower is the speed at which you hit the wall and torque is the distance you push the wall after you hit.
Repeat after me. "It is better to make torque at high rpm than at low rpm, because you can take advantage of *gearing*."
Next week class, we will discuss how modern industry uses radioisotopes in a variety of ways to improve productivity.