Author Topic: Lost Power on the Freeway Part 2  (Read 2313 times)

Offline clutch7

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Lost Power on the Freeway Part 2
« on: May 31, 2006, 05:37:35 PM »
My 00'   600S died on the freeway again even though I cleaned the vent tube, hardlines, checked the fuel filter and fuel lines the day before as some have suggested here earlier.

Bike lost power on freeway in 5th gear at around 5k RPM. Needle dropped to 4k then the engine ceased without sputtering or any other signs of malfunction.  

The battery and the fuel level were fine when I pulled of to the side. Oil is ok. I opened the gas tank- no indication of vacuum due to poor venting. Tried to start- doesn't start.

After about 20 minutes it started back up, as it usually does after stalling.

Now the idle is a little jumpy and instead of stalling once in a 100 mi now I stall once every 3 blocks.

At the shop I was told that I need to bring the bike in to get the carbs cleaned ($270 for labor).  

Assuming that's the problem, how difficult it is to clean the carbs by yourself and what is involved in that? I would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions.  


Offline tacoman

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« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2006, 05:44:48 PM »
Thats an interesting problem.  Sounds like a fuel problem like the motors getting starved or the tank isn't venting.  Carb removal is not fun.  Have you tried draining the float bowls? Perhaps you have some water in there.  I'd try draining and using some Chevron Techron (see my carbs gummed post).

Offline Red01

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Lost Power on the Freeway Part 2
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2006, 11:49:12 AM »
I had a problem similar to this in one of my cages a couple of years ago. Turned out to be a bad coil. Ran fine when cold, but after ~30-45 minutes it would loose power and die. After it sat for an hour or so, it would start up fine and run for another 30-45 minutes. When the coil got warm, it broke down and wouldn't make spark.

Next time your bike does this, check for spark and see if both coils are putting out. Remember, on the Bandits the left coil controls #1 & 4 and the right one controls #2 & 3. Be sure to check both.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS