Author Topic: Need help adjusting air/fuel mixture pilots  (Read 34997 times)

Offline smooth operator

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Need help adjusting air/fuel mixture pilots
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2006, 08:17:49 AM »
Ya, What Daytona said,I have to finish a whirlpool today :lol:
  The stock header has a crossover pipe from 2-3 cylinder pipes,the Yoshi doesn't. The stock also tends to get a gold tint to it. All stage 2 is,is bigger jets,pod air filters to go with a aftermarket pipe. A motor is a pump,if it exhales better it needs to inhale better.Fuel also helps cool the motor,but unless you want to get into Carbs&jetting class 101(must have had mine out a dozen X getting it sorted out)do like Daytona said and RIDE IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT.   Dan

Offline Daytona

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Need help adjusting air/fuel mixture pilots
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2006, 10:55:47 AM »
="smooth operator"]Ya, What Daytona said,I have to finish a whirlpool today :lol:
Smoother workin on a sunday!  :stickpoke: Hey get it while its there ! Have fun bud. Hey IcyChaos first off i stand corrected, you sound like your committed, and this site will help do it!!! I would say almost any thing you need to know has ALREADY BEEN ASKED AND ANSWERED!!! Just got to find it. A big pic of your bike would help. Are the carbs OEM etc. The Yoshi full sys were 4-2-1 or had the 4-1 collector like stock but all looked diff.  I have never had anyone say honestly who had all the GO FASTER parts you think you have in that bike, and have it drive like a Geezer/glide. To do it all wild cat & kitten needs a pc on board (fuel inj) Now as far as the previouse owner doing the rite thing (ie) stage 2 with bolt on can!!! Who knows why or what was done?? :beers:  :motorsmile:

The next step is to pull the tank and dive into the carbs! I thought we were into idle probs? if your prob comes in say @ 2k plus rpm,, shimming the pin up may do the trick! You better feel lucky when you do! Too go any deeper than shimming you need to know your shit! Shimming is easy after you do it once, but can be costly if you aren't carefull!!!!

Offline Daytona

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Need help adjusting air/fuel mixture pilots
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2006, 11:05:52 AM »
Just do a search using [carb] and read for the rest of the weekend! or this link tells all! :beers:  :beers:  :beers:

Offline Daytona

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Need help adjusting air/fuel mixture pilots
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2006, 11:12:24 AM »
AMA & MOTO GP today @ 11:00 :banana:  :banana:  :banana:  :motorsmile:  :bigok:  :toocool:

Offline IcyChaos

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Need help adjusting air/fuel mixture pilots
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2006, 06:10:43 PM »
I'll work on posting some more pics, especially with my pipes,  still curious about that..

As for the mixture, it seems to be running alot better, I have all set to 4 turns out, idle is around 1K 950 RPM.  It does get a little popping on Decel, is this ok? and what would that mean, more turns? I adjusted all 4 like a 1/5th of a turn and I may do slightly more if the popping continues.

Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it.

Offline gyrogearcrunch

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Re: Need help adjusting air/fuel mixture pilots
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2006, 02:19:33 AM »
If it pops, then you're too lean, but maybe since you're running pods (or was that another guy?), you can't get enough juice into the moose no matter what adjustments you make, and ought to re-jet.  You could also have one o' them-thar dreaded vacuum leaks.

I once put Mikuni carbs off a yamaha 750 on a Yamaha 850 (it orig. used Hitachis). I futzed with the Miks. until I got sick of the whole thing because the dang thing wouldn't stop smoking (what a STINK!). It finally dawned that the enrichment lever spring was missing and the "ckokes" were always "on"!!  Lousy little hair-spring on the left carb!

After installing the hairspring, I had to go to much SMALLER mains in there and go up on the pilot jets before the dang thing finally stopped smoking.

All told, I tried 5 different sets of jets before it finally began to run like a striped ape, and it gave up 47 MPG as well (best original mileage was 36 mpg).  

Sold it to an ex-Yam mechanic who said it was the strongest-running Yammie triple he'd ever ridden.

Since this was my first effort at re-jetting a set of carbs, it may have been dumb luck that I got right. So, let me encourage you to keep trying different combinations of jets in conjunction with some heavy thinking about what you need to look for and do to make it run clean.  Heck, it only takes maybe a half-dozen "Carbs off - Carbs on" and a handful of new jets (a range of sizes) to get the job done, and Mikuni jets are CHEAP.

Quote from: IcyChaos
How can you tell the sweet spot???  Is thta where the ROM gauge stops fluctiating at all?? then drop to 1200 RPM?