Author Topic: Overfilled Engine Oil - What happens  (Read 6363 times)

Offline Grissom

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Overfilled Engine Oil - What happens
« on: November 16, 2008, 10:39:14 PM »
I have not had a chance to go riding in months and decided this morning to go for a long ride. I do my normal pre ride inspection and after letting the engine idle for a couple of mins I move her to the same place in the garage and wait another couple of mins before checking the oil. The window shows that I am low and I like to leave with it at 1/8 inch below the "F" when its on the center stand (full when on its tires), so I top it off (added appx. 300ml) and go for my 300 mile ride. I come back and park it in the same spot, unload my stuff etc. at least 5 mins and I go check the oil level and its above the "F" mark yet the window still has a visible void. I am thinking what the ...  :duh: I siphoned out 130ml, started her up and rode her down the street and back. The window shows that I am right in the middle betwen low and full.

So the question is could or how likely would this have done any harm to my bike? Its an 01' 1200.

Offline txbanditrydr

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Re: Overfilled Engine Oil - What happens
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2008, 10:56:38 PM »
First things first.... I doubt you did any damage.  I'd check the airbox hose with the plug (right-side near exhaust collector) and drain any oil out of there.  If you still saw a little room at the top of the window it really wasn't that overfilled.

Next.... either check the oil level with the engine stone cold or FULL operating temperature - which this time of year can take 10 - 15 miles of riding.  Starting an engine and leaving it run for a "few minutes" will give you a false reading every time.

I agree with your "1/8" below "F" on the center stand when cold - at full operating temperature it will likely read dead on "F".

No worries... just ride the snot out of it!!!    :thumb: :motorsmile:
'01 B600S ... sold
'05 B1200S ... Top 20 mods... #20 through #2 - All The Usual Ones, Yada, Yada  & #1... 150,000+ Miles and Counting!!!!

Offline txbanditrydr

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Re: Overfilled Engine Oil - What happens
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2008, 11:00:00 PM »
As a follow up... you might read THIS THREAD - especially starting around page two... good information.
'01 B600S ... sold
'05 B1200S ... Top 20 mods... #20 through #2 - All The Usual Ones, Yada, Yada  & #1... 150,000+ Miles and Counting!!!!

Offline Grissom

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Re: Overfilled Engine Oil - What happens
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2008, 01:22:32 AM »
As a follow up... you might read THIS THREAD - especially starting around page two... good information.

Yes, I did a search and read that particular thread prior to posting my question. If the bike consumed the excess oil that is one thing, if it foamed up and did not do the lubrication as its supposed to then it could be entirely something else.

Offline Grissom

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Re: Overfilled Engine Oil - What happens
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2008, 01:24:59 AM »
First things first.... I doubt you did any damage.  I'd check the airbox hose with the plug (right-side near exhaust collector) and drain any oil out of there.  If you still saw a little room at the top of the window it really wasn't that overfilled.

Next.... either check the oil level with the engine stone cold or FULL operating temperature - which this time of year can take 10 - 15 miles of riding.  Starting an engine and leaving it run for a "few minutes" will give you a false reading every time.

I agree with your "1/8" below "F" on the center stand when cold - at full operating temperature it will likely read dead on "F".

No worries... just ride the snot out of it!!!    :thumb: :motorsmile:

I will check out the hose tomorrow and see if any oil drains out.

Offline Grissom

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Re: Overfilled Engine Oil - What happens
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2008, 03:56:50 PM »
I checked the airbox hose and there was maybe a drop or two that came out

Offline Blade

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Re: Overfilled Engine Oil - What happens
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2008, 12:09:24 AM »
Hey Grissom,

I doubt you did any damage either. That little bit would not do anything. You might get a little more oil blowing out for a bit. The proper way to check the oil is to run the bike for a few minutes and the turn it off. Let it set for three minutes and check the level with both tires on the ground.

I usually just check mine cold with both tires on the ground and make sure it just gets to the "F" line. This will cause the level to be a smige low. This will not harm the engine either.

In actuallity, the lower you run the oil the more horsepower you get to keep because you have less being slung by the crankshaft. But I would not recommend running your engine this way.

Offline Grissom

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Re: Overfilled Engine Oil - What happens
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2008, 12:50:06 PM »
 :thanks: txbanditrydr and Blade for your responses, now I can quit doing this  :banghead:  and  :motorsmile:


Offline Blade

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Re: Overfilled Engine Oil - What happens
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2008, 12:39:29 AM »
Your Welcome. FYI: It is always easier and cheaper to fix a question than it is to fix a mistake because you did not ask a question or questions.

To me this shows someone willing to learn and that is always a good thing.