Author Topic: Please Help - 97 B6 non-runner  (Read 4792 times)

Offline Arkan Eller

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Please Help - 97 B6 non-runner
« on: July 23, 2006, 07:23:12 AM »
Please Help!!

I've got a 97 B6 I've just finished streetfightering. I got the bike running after no use for 3 years. I've used it for 500 or so miles without a problem when it just suddenly died on me whilst riding.

I pulled over and started it again but it was running rough and although it was revving in neutral, as soon as I tried to pull away in gear it would splutter and cut out. Eventually after 30 mins or so, it started and I was able to limp it almost home. It then died again.

This time though, it would start, idle for approx 15 seconds then just cut out. You have to wait at least ten mins before it will start again and then it just cuts out. So I pushed it home. This was all 2 weeks ago.

So I left it in the garage until today. It's still doing the same thing. So, I've checked the plugs, air filter, stripped, cleaned and synched the carbs, replaced both the coil packs and drained and replaced the fuel. It's still giving me the same problem. It starts and idles for about 15 seconds and then cuts out. If I try to rev it past 3k during those 15 seconds it splutters and cuts out. I then have to wait at least ten mins before it will start again.

Sorry for the long winded post but I've tried to give as much info as possible and I don't know what to do now.

On the day the problem started we had a massive thunder storm and the bike was parked in the pouring rain for about 3 hours. But when I came to go home it started fine and rode for about 15 miles (in the dry) before there was a problem.

Please help.... :sad:  :sad:

Offline Red01

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Please Help - 97 B6 non-runner
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2006, 03:48:49 AM »
Hmmm... Sounds like you've done all the normal things in troubleshooting something like this. Maybe you should go back and check everything again in case you missed something. I'd also disconnect all grounds and connectors in the ignition circuitry and make sure they're making good contact - and add some dielectric grease to all of them before putting them back together.
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Offline Daytona

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Please Help - 97 B6 non-runner
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2006, 10:40:30 AM »
This sounds far fetched but if it was in the rain! the drain hose (or vent) that is in the tank recessed area of your fuel cap/filler, could be crimped/plugged etc! the fuel may not flow!!!! Have you tried running it with another source of fuel? Carbs are full when it won't run??? Sounds like a weed wacker that gave me fits until i mixed the fuel cap up with the blower! The vent was plugged in faulty one!    :beers: JUST A SHOT IN THE DARK

Offline stormi

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Please Help - 97 B6 non-runner
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2006, 08:11:08 PM »
That sounds very similar to the symptoms that I had when Dita's RR went south.  I could get her to start, by bump starting her, boosting her, charging the battery, etc, but she wouldn't run long.

So,... what's the voltage on your battery?  

Also, try this test:

If the battery isn't strong enough ( i.e. not being charged by the RR and stator), it can't power the "CDI" and coils, and the bike will die.  I spent a good 2 hrs fighting with Dita doing the same last year.

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Offline Swamp Rat

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Please Help - 97 B6 non-runner
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2006, 09:54:00 AM »
Dirty carb...nuff said.
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Offline stormi

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Please Help - 97 B6 non-runner
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2006, 02:31:01 PM »
Try opening the fuel cap, and then running her.  

I had a small problem with Dita this weekend.   I put the tank bag from the 919 on her, and then tried to ride her.   I found that she wouldn't rev past 4000rpm when in neutral, and if I put her in gear, she wouldn't rev past 2000 rpm.  Not fun when you're in the mountains and halfway up a hill.  If I let off the gas, she would die immediately.  I did 3 things then:

1. Put her on reserve, even though she had enough gas to run in the "ON" position, in case something was lodged in the petcock tube for the ON position
2. Bumped up her idle a bit to see if it would help  
3. Removed the tank bag, in case it was blocking the vent in the fuel tank.  (This bag has a rubber bottom, and with the shape of the tank on the 400, I can see how it might have created a seal)

I'm not positive which one did it, but I did note that I was able to drop the idle back down.

We rode 40 miles to the nearest gas station ( and paid the extortion price of $1.419/litre (That's about $5.36/US gal.)for regular, and then $2.90 for a large coffee, must be nice to be the only gas station for nearly 100 miles.) and filled her up.

I do believe though that it was the tank bag. The problem never did manifest again, right after my tweaks, despite returning the idle to the original position, and putting her fuelcock back to the ON position.

Dita - 91 Bandit 400 - SOLD
Blue - 02 Hornet 919 - Perfect Gentleman
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08 VFR800 - Lowered 1.2"
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Offline timjim

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cut out
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2006, 06:03:44 PM »
Has the bike got a side stand cut out switch fitted??if it has ,it could be that the switch got waterlogged and caused it to cut out.Seems odd that it runs in neutral,but wont when put in gear.Tim

Offline timjim

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cut out
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2006, 06:04:20 PM »
Has the bike got a side stand cut out switch fitted??if it has ,it could be that the switch got waterlogged and caused it to cut out.Seems odd that it runs in neutral,but wont when put in gear.Tim