Author Topic: Stalling at idle  (Read 3367 times)

Offline Bandit Jap

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Stalling at idle
« on: April 22, 2005, 08:13:15 AM »
Just passed my bike test so Im real new to bikes.

My B600 is my new love! Before I purchased it has been sitting in the garage for 3 months, I put some carb cleaner in the tank to do its stuff as sometimes when I am stopped and idle at 1000 revs it would drop off and stop.  It would start up 1st time but i could smell the fuel as if it was a bit rich.

It is running fine, infact sweet at the moment do you think it was caused by the way I have been riding it......

I have been changing gear each time below 4000 revs and getting into 6th before I reach 40mph, I think I am driving it as I would my car, as one of the posts to my introduction on this forum basically said "this engine needs high revs and if you dont you will foul your plugs"
Could this be the reason why it has stalled a few times on me?

All the best Andy

Offline Maniac

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Stalling at idle
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2005, 02:11:06 PM »
It -could- be causing it, pull the plugs and check them. They should be a lightish tan color, not black or wet. If they are black and/or wet, then that means carbon/unburned fuel, replace them and let the revs climb a little higher.

Heck, your not even in the power band.  :grin:

Go ahead and let her rise a bit more in RPM before shifting, but only as far as you are comfortable. At 40mph I don't think you should be in 6th, maybe not even 5th, try and keep your cruising RPM above 3-4000 RPM if you can (My RPM figures may be off, the 400 is a little more rev-happy than a 600, I usually hover around the 4000RPM range and usually don't go into the highest gear for cruising until I'm above 60mph).

As for the stalling at idle, it -could- be plugs. I'm not sure what the idle on a 600 is supposed to be, the 400's idle is set somewhere between 1600 and 1800 RPM though, it's possible that your idle is just to low.

Hopefully a 600 owner will chime in on this one.

2008 GSXR-750

Offline dsartwell1

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Stalling at idle
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2005, 03:11:14 PM »
Turn your idle up a little bit. The idle screw is the black knob on the left side of the bike near the carbuerators. Move your idle speed to about 1200-1300 when the engine is warm. This will also help initial throttle response as well.  :grin: Don't be too shy with the throttle. You won't have enough power to really get into trouble until you get over 7000 but take whatever time you need. Something you will notice is once you start getting the revs up a bit, it will shift easier and smoother. You might try using 4th or even 3rd gear as your cruising gear for a while. You will then be able to get the revs up and get the feel of it without going extremely fast. Good luck and ride safe. Dan :banana:

Offline Bandit Jap

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« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2005, 09:12:14 PM »
Thanks for your response I will do this from now on:)
