Author Topic: Strange Symptoms.... 02 600  (Read 3146 times)

Offline marshj3

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Strange Symptoms.... 02 600
« on: May 31, 2006, 09:52:06 AM »
I sure could use some help here. I've got a 2002 Bandit, 15K on it, treated like a baby by the previous owner and myself. Sunday I had to move the bike and I found it was really hard getting her started. I gave her a bit of throttle when I thumbed the switch and she was fine. (Note... I'd gone for an hour ride earlier in the day with no issues.) I'd seen this happen before and thought it may have been because it was damp out. Sunday was gorgeous over here so that ruled that out.
I was leaving work today, and when I fired her up, she was idling roughly. I opened up the choke and the bike died. I restarted with the choke off, and left her idling roughly for a couple of minutes while I put my gear on. I found the throttle rather sluggish and the ride rather 'lurchy' while on the side streets. Once on the highway, although the ride didn't feel the same, I had no problems staying with traffic.
I went through the manuals I have for the bike but couldn't recognize any of the symptoms. Last Saturday after a ride, I'd parked the bike and after several hours noticed that the tail light was still on, even though I had the key in my hand and the wheel lock was on. Could it be that the battery needs charging or replacing? Could it be the gas I'd filled up with, for the first time with that brand / location?   :sad:
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Offline Seanybiker

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Strange Symptoms.... 02 600
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2006, 12:50:14 PM »
dirt in the carbs or something maybe. not to sure.

Offline tacoman

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« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2006, 05:25:42 PM »
First, there is a "parking light" feature on US legal bikes which leaves the tail light on.  On the Suz its one switch past lock.  You have to be careful when locking the steering that you don't go too far.  I always check the tail light to make sure its not on when I leave.  As for the rough running motor, it sounds like a carb problem.  I had the same thing recently, I think the quality of our gas is bad now.  I filled the tank with new gas and added Chevron Techron fuel additive.  I ran the bike a few miles to get it mixed in and into the carbs.  I let it sit a few days and it runs good again.

Offline marshj3

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Strange Symptoms.... 02 600
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2006, 08:29:19 PM »
I'd read about that Chevron Techron fuel additive in another thread. I'll pick some up tomorrow and give it a shot. I'll take a peek at the plugs and filter on the weekend. Thanks.
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Offline vadim

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Strange Symptoms.... 02 600
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2006, 10:10:03 AM »
Have you done the valves on the bike?  On some bikes cold start problems are a symptom of a (really) tight valve.  Not sure about the bandit, but if you've gone for 15K miles without the adjustments, that might be a problem.
'01 600s

Offline marshj3

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Strange Symptoms.... 02 600
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2006, 10:49:02 AM »
Thanks for the tips guys. Of course I fired her up this morning for my ride into work and she ran like a dream.  :shock:  I'm going to first, run out htis tank of gas that I've got, add some additive to clean out the system, and then if that fails, I'll start looking at the valves, filter, plugs etc.  :thanks:
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