Author Topic: Well, it finally happened. Dropped the bike today. Problems  (Read 3564 times)

Offline stormi

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While taking the 919 to the shed, it got lowsided on the wet grass.  Apparently, even though it's equipped with a  bank angle sensor, it didn't shut off before the other half hit the switch ( mere seconds after he went down)

No visible damage whatsoever, but now when I start it, the oil light stays on.   The book tells me that the oil light only stays on if there's not enough oil, or if there's no oil pressure.  

There's oil in it, and I have trouble believing that the oil pump is shot from a gentle lowside.  ( I don't have a oil pressure tester to check with right now either.)

We've disconnected the battery to see if it's "confused" by the fall.  I seriously think it got it's bell rung, and that's all, but I won't ride it without knowing that there isn't a problem.

The only other thing of note, is that I put a pigtail for a battery tender and a windscreen on it today ( involving openning up the headlight cavity to retrieve a nut, so wiring was disturbed, but the light wasn't on til the lowside)

Is there anything else anyone can think of it being?

I'm about to go out and give it an oil change, in case there's something in there giving it a hissy fit, but I'm out of ideas.

Yes, I know it's not a Bandit, but I trust you guys, and I don't know anyone on the Hornet's Nest yet.  :crybaby:

Dita - 91 Bandit 400 - SOLD
Blue - 02 Hornet 919 - Perfect Gentleman
02 KTM 200 EXC - Sold
08 VFR800 - Lowered 1.2"
17 KTM RC390
17 Husky TC85 converted to 105

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Offline huahuafish

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Well, it finally happened. Dropped the bike today. Problems
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2006, 03:25:09 AM »
wow same thing happened to me today...the bike slowly tipped over as i was rolling it outta the garage, then it won't start and the service lights came on...i thought maybe it was missing oil as it had been leaking so i filled her up...still nuttin...hope someone can give some hints as to why it's doing that

Offline stormi

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Well, it finally happened. Dropped the bike today. Problems
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2006, 05:12:31 AM »
We suspect that the oil filter collapsed when the bike ran on its side.  After changing the filter and the oil, all is right again with the world.  

After some searching on the forum, it turns out that it is common for the oil pressure light to come on if there is a filter problem, especially when the oil filter is substandard.

Perhaps this is a good place for you to start as well?

Dita - 91 Bandit 400 - SOLD
Blue - 02 Hornet 919 - Perfect Gentleman
02 KTM 200 EXC - Sold
08 VFR800 - Lowered 1.2"
17 KTM RC390
17 Husky TC85 converted to 105

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Offline stormi

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Well, it finally happened. Dropped the bike today. Problems
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2006, 05:22:36 AM »
the bike slowly tipped over as i was rolling it outta the garage

I hate that!  It's like everything is in slow motion, but there's not a damn thing you can do about it!  

I crashed into the shed one day.   :crybaby:

I was putting the Bandit into the shed.  I had her front tire in the shed and the rear coming up the ramp.  I noticed the dirtbike ramp at the last second,.. a little too late.  I lifted my right foot and tried to miss it, but it hooked on my pant leg.  It slid forward into the lawnmower and the lawnmower hit the front of the shed.  The bike tweaked off to the right, and slammed me shoulder first into the side of the shed.  As I lay there, I thought, "well, with me under it, at least the bike's ok"... then I yelled for help for about 15 mins, while my neighbors ignored me.  

Luckily I figured out shortly after that that there was a shovel under my @ss, and levered Dita off of me.  

The whole time, I could see what was happening, and tried to stop it, but I couldn't.

Dita - 91 Bandit 400 - SOLD
Blue - 02 Hornet 919 - Perfect Gentleman
02 KTM 200 EXC - Sold
08 VFR800 - Lowered 1.2"
17 KTM RC390
17 Husky TC85 converted to 105

Electrosport Charging System Test - it really works

Offline huahuafish

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Well, it finally happened. Dropped the bike today. Problems
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2006, 06:12:46 AM »
haha im glad there is at least one other person out there that feels glad to take the fall and be a cushion for the bike...before when my friend told me how helpless he felt when his bike fell on him i thought "wut a wimp" i know better

and I'll give the oil filter change a try...hope that'll at least get it up and running good enough so I can have a bike to practice before summer is over

Offline jbrough7

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Well, it finally happened. Dropped the bike today. Problems
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2006, 08:01:09 AM »
Tough luck, you two!  I too have had problems with the battery in my Mazda Tribute after a little crunch and it went a bit nutsy on me.  For some reason, lights would come on and go off with no rhyme or reason.  We put in a new battery as it was that time anyway, and everything was okey-dokaley after that.  Good luck!

Offline thurm

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Well, it finally happened. Dropped the bike today. Problems
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2006, 02:09:27 PM »
Hello,Might check that the wire to the sending unit did not come off.sometimes theay do and short to metal making the oil light stay on.
If it wont go,use a bigger hammer!