Author Topic: General FAQ Guidelines  (Read 10488 times)

Offline Red01

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General FAQ Guidelines
« on: March 12, 2005, 01:48:22 AM »
The 'F.A.Q.' forums are 'read only forums. You can't post a message, or ask a question in these forums.
These forums are intended to preserve messages with good information, and answers to 'frequently asked questions'.

You may want to browse the F.A.Q. forums before you post a question.

The initial 'batch' of messages are copied from the previous BanditAlleyBBS. You may notice they are a single 'post', containing a string of replies.
If the original message had several pages of replies, there may be multiple reponse posts, each containing a 'page' of replies.

Admins will copy/post messages here for your reference.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS