Good points Gerri... you have a very realistic and and grounded outlook on life... wish all women were like that. as in no drama queens or deceptive manipulation.
I guess there's all types in the end, men and women. Heck, I know men and women who would rather bury their head in the sand afraid of reality and truth; and others like me who would rather hear about the truth and problems up front where they can be nipped in the bud or accepted without clouding the problem wth emotions.
I've known far too many drama fanatics who appear great at first, then the real psyche comes out in the wash, for me to even want to try to search for the life partner anymore,,, Bachelor for life is the reward, but it teaches independence and realistic life outlooks. And plus it always makes tried and true realistic dependable friends along the path who don't decieve. I gave up looking after so many unwanted situations popped upalong the way, it became apparent it wasn't for me.
Nice to have a diverse opinion in the thread...