I've done it once with the B4, and twice with the Hornet. Every single time I was off the gas fast enough to make the bike shimmy a little disconcertingly when it came down.
1. Dita had stalled twice in traffic on "Main street" Edmonton ( Jasper Ave) and I was a little grumpy, with myself, the guy behind me honking, and with Dita for being so unforgiving. After stall #2, I started her up, revved the crap out of her, and dumped the clutch while staying on the gas. I got off the gas when I realised I was starting to climb the back of the front seat to sit on the back seat. (A sign your leg muscles can use some work too....)
2. Someone in a big dodge diesel cut the other half off in traffic, so close there was almost an accident. He gets in my lane, looks at me, and goes "Get him!" The guy was trying to race me anyway, I'll never understand why cagers do that, that's why he got in the lane in front of Ryan. (He was sitting there revving his engine.) When the light turned. I revved the bike and started letting the clutch out. A 919 does a little more with a generous helping of gas than the b4.

I launched so hard, my front wheel came up ( first time on this bike) probably only about 4-6" but I was already doing 50 - 60kph by the end of the intersection and picking up speed fast. It scared the hell out of me. Mostly due to the people that had "Warned" me before I took possession of the bike. (It's a pretty mean bike, are you sure? A 900? That's a lot of bike for you, why not this GS500?? You're gonna get yourself killed on that thing! You can't handle that power....) It came up really smoothly and it felt stable, but I had nightmares of looping it out. Christian Pfieffer I am not. So I got off the gas and the bike hit the ground fairly hard, and shot forward again. I beat the guy twice. By Accident.
It's not something I try to do,... it happens sometimes though.