Author Topic: 2006 Bandit Alternatives  (Read 18157 times)

Offline Wooddog

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2006 Bandit Alternatives
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2006, 01:36:07 PM »
I agree with SVEN,  never really liked the HAYABUSA.  I am kind of old school I guess,  I just like to see the MOTOR, on a Motorcycle.  I know the plastic  covered bikes have some advantages, like better aerodynamics,  but I hardly ever get over 130mph  and I hear thats when the aerodynamics really start to work on a motorcycle.  And the platic covered bikes are costly even if you drop one over in the driveway its going to cost you a bundle on platic repairs  I like the Naked look on a bike or the Half fairing look for a little more wind  protection,  but you can still see the MOTOR  and as  Maintenance  goes  the plastic bikes are more trouble as far as pulling off and putting back on plastic, just for minor maintenance, it becomes a big ordeal.  And not to mention the Higher cost of Insurance on platic wrapped bikes!  Of course thats just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions, they are like _____ and everybodys got one!
Wooddog- CMA
2002-BANDIT 1200s

Offline tacoman

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« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2006, 01:53:00 PM »
I think my next bike will be the VStrom.  Yes, its ugly but its been written up well.  All the magazines like it as its a great do it all bike.  I'd like something that could handle some light off road as we have miles of logging roads around here.  Then I'll have to decide on the 650 for 1000.

Offline banditnek

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Bandit replacement
« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2006, 01:57:15 PM »
I've been thinkng about a new bike,the 97 bandit is Ok, I just want something newer. I'm not really sure if there is a good replacement in the 06 models out there. Money wise nothing is even close, for the value you get in a Bandit. An FJR is on top of my list,just not sure I can afford one. Maybe an FZ1 there pretty nice.
Kent 2006 Suzuki Hayabusa

Offline b4cruz

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2006 Bandit Alternatives
« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2006, 02:03:33 PM »
Quote from: "Sven"
My problems with the Hayabusa are...

i don't support it either
i'd love to ride one but i don't think i'd keep it

It does seem like Suzuki hides so many bikes from the USA.
Its kinda telling, almost insulting when they don't offer a bike
as versatile as the b12 here but everywhere else.
like we don't have any taste or common sense here or something

or i'm just thinking too much into it

Or maybe it is just that naked or sport tourer bikes are a used
market purchase in the USA. It'd be interesting to know how
many naked bike owners purchased thier bike new vs used in
all the different markets.

Offline Sven

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2006 Bandit Alternatives
« Reply #34 on: January 07, 2006, 03:25:30 PM »
So the FZI and FJR seem to be leading the pack.  The FJR, always shown with saddlebags and two-up riders, seems to fill a similar gap as the Concours, but nobody's mentioned that one yet.
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
2002 Honda CRV | the dirt-colored car

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Re: bike
« Reply #35 on: January 07, 2006, 03:32:30 PM »
Quote from: "tacoman"
I think my next bike will be the VStrom.  Yes, its ugly but its been written up well.  All the magazines like it as its a great do it all bike.  I'd like something that could handle some light off road as we have miles of logging roads around here.  Then I'll have to decide on the 650 for 1000.

As you say...lots of good reviews and has some serious off-road capabilities.  It sits a couple inches taller than the Bandit, which puts weight a little higher, could be a problem for anyone with shorter legs. Don't really think it's ugly, but the front fairing/windscreen doensn't seem integrated with the rest of the bike's appearance.
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
2002 Honda CRV | the dirt-colored car

Offline Red01

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2006 Bandit Alternatives
« Reply #36 on: January 07, 2006, 06:59:05 PM »
Quote from: "Sven"
So the FZI and FJR seem to be leading the pack.  The FJR, always shown with saddlebags and two-up riders, seems to fill a similar gap as the Concours, but nobody's mentioned that one yet.

My only beefs with the Connie are it's down on power compared to other ST's and a new one looks just like the original '86. Sure, there have been some upgrades over the years, but the look is the same. At $8499 MSRP for a new '06, it's THE bargain ST mount - and that's where the 20 years of keeping the same design has paid off.

I did lust after a Connie back in '86, but I was also lusting after the Yamaha FJ1200, too. Time marches on though, and I lust after something younger now.  :lol:
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline billybandit

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2006 Bandit Alternatives
« Reply #37 on: January 07, 2006, 07:47:32 PM »
Speed Triple!

Offline Sven

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2006 Bandit Alternatives
« Reply #38 on: January 08, 2006, 12:17:52 AM »
Prior to tonight's RiverKings game (that would be the snapping turtle with the hockey stick to the left), I talked to a guy riding an FJR.  He's had it for about 6 months and is pretty happy...said it's very comfortable for long rides, had spent about 6 hours on it today on a ride down to Greenville MS and back.  Hasn't done any two-up touring, and did not have the luggage attached.

I figure his opinion is pretty solid...motorcyclist hockey fans are pretty smart cookies!
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
2002 Honda CRV | the dirt-colored car

Offline smooth operator

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2006 Bandit Alternatives
« Reply #39 on: January 08, 2006, 07:34:13 AM »
I've been pondering on this a bit myself. I don't have plans on getting rid of my Bandit,although I had a couple of offers.
  The speed tripple and the FZ1 both deinatley look like good alternatives.But neither are sold by a dealer that I know,who will have me tile his new show room if he sells the building that he's in now (tiled that show room). So I'll pick from Suzuki,Honda or Kaw. Then my Budget comes into play as well. A SV1000 would suit me fine,and I think I'd feel right at home on a 750GSX-R but my wallet may point closer to the 600 GSX-R or a 650SV. Both the 1000GSX-R and the ZX10 would be out of my price range, and I don't need them to start getting good lap X on the track. I'd have to look at unsold inventory,and see what I could get the best deal on(my leathers have Suzuki on them) I know he doesn't have a SV1000, but I think I'd fall in love with one.

Offline gtbandit

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2006 Bandit Alternatives
« Reply #40 on: January 10, 2006, 02:04:02 AM »
To me, my Bandit is, first and formost, a sport-tourer. So, anything that might replace it would have be capable of traveling long distances in comfort and still be a hoot in the twisties. This being said, my first pick would be the DL1000 V-Strom. I like the fact that it will do everything that the Bandit does (OK, slightly less mid-range punch and the pegs scrape a little too soon) plus adds some off-road capabilities. In fact, I am seriously considering adding one to my personal fleet (I have no plans on selling the Bandit). Second choice would be an FJR1300; more power, more comfortable and shaft drive.

Other options that I would consider include the SV1000, FZ1, ZZR and more.  Plus there are several other bikes that I would like to have in addition to the Bandit including the SV650 or Ninja 650 and various others.
'99 Black B12
'03 KLR650
'03 1000 V-Strom
'05 SV650
+ a few others

Offline billybandit

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2006 Bandit Alternatives
« Reply #41 on: January 10, 2006, 06:45:55 AM »
If you are restricted by the fact your leathers say Suzuki on them, SV1000's can be found for a very good price.

Ninja 650? The ER-6 should never be given the Ninja title. Neither should the GPZ500, 250 and the other one. Kawasaki of America have it all wrong!

Offline doublenaughtspy

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2006 Bandit Alternatives
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2006, 01:17:12 AM »
I'm a little biased, as an SV1000 owner, but I gotta say it was a good move.  I had to replace the 1G B12 for the worst reason...the engine threatened to jump out of the frame after a crash.  I've done 500 mile days on the Vtwin beast and it ain't so bad, folks.  I took the long route to Mid-Ohio from ATL last summer and it was a great two-day ride even if it was over 90 deg most of the time.  Give it a shot.  :motorsmile:

Offline B6mick

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2006 Bandit Alternatives
« Reply #43 on: January 11, 2006, 03:06:06 AM »
I'm kinda biased, cause I got one in the shed for sale, (HINT, HINT).
The Kawasaki ZRX (Rex) is a pretty awesome, bike. Heaps of grunt, power monos no clutching it up. Farely comfortable, on long hauls. With a little work, can be made to look quiet smart, smart swingarm. But one major fault, no centre stand :sad:
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Offline Snubnose

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sv1000 pricing
« Reply #44 on: January 12, 2006, 10:30:26 PM »
Quote from: "billybandit"
If you are restricted by the fact your leathers say Suzuki on them, SV1000's can be found for a very good price.

Youre right, where I live, a local dealer had purchased a slew of 03 sv1000's back in 03 and for some reason, couldnt unload all of them. Since then, the dealer has added some AMP's, i.e Yosh pipes, gel seat, taller windshield and lower fairing or belly pan and is clearing them out, still NEW, at $7900 CDN. If I wasnt so strapped for cash as i am right now, I might consider trading me beloved Bandito in for it.(although I would probably regret it later).
SNUBNOSE, Alberta, Canada
2003 B12S - Silver
Stock 06' pipe
3 shims on each needle
Zero gravity SR
Sw Motech rear rack - V46 Top case
PAIR Block off Kit
Salamander Bar Ends
007 special license plate feature ;)

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