Author Topic: 6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....  (Read 7256 times)

Offline lmao_37

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2005, 07:32:16 PM »
sorry to hear about you mishap i hope you get better soon, how bad is your bike ?

98 bandit 600 n

Offline Egg 'n' Bacon

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2005, 06:47:19 PM »
I haven't had chance to do proper check yet (arm in sling), but it looks like the bike came down on the upper front first.  
So the screen is gouged,
brake master cylinder has a corner ground of the top,
RH mirror is gone,
RH fairing plastics totalled
Fairing mounting bracket; gone all noodle
LH fairing plastics may be salvageable, wiil have to wait and see
busted brake lever
RH bar end weight knackered
Givi rack mounting bent/broken weld (but side panel oly small scratch)
Givi rack plate; big grind in one spot, but still serviceable
RH pillion peg snapped off
Standard can buggered (but cheap on eBay :) )
Some scratching on fender
MASSIVE grind on 2 week old RH crash bung; worth every penny!

Just hoping the steering head and frame are OK.  Guess I'll know when I can start using spanners again.  So overall not too bad. [fingers crossed]

Offline lmao_37

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2005, 02:12:13 PM »
sounds like you got off with some quite minor damage just hope your frame n stuff isnt damaged atleast your engine cases are ok

98 bandit 600 n

Offline Egg 'n' Bacon

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2005, 07:09:13 PM »
Yeah, managed to do a bit of one handed work on it today, and it looks like when the bike came down the fairing bracket and the Givi rack absorbed most of the impact.  So all in all, I have got off very lightly.  

Offline lmao_37

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2005, 04:27:58 PM »
thats good how are you doing ? wel hope you get better soon and how long till your bikes gona be ok again ?

98 bandit 600 n

Offline Egg 'n' Bacon

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2005, 06:08:16 PM »
Thank you for your sentiments, they help me keep my chin up.

Saw the bone doc today, he says the right wrist and left thumb are broke.  Also my collar bone's dislocated and I've got to have a plate screwed to it.  BUMMER.  But it's a pretty quick op, and hopefully will get me fit enough to ride within a month.

Slow going on the parts front; 'er indoors is being a bit antsy about money.  Maybe getting a standard can for £15 off eBay will calm her down a bit [crossed fingers].

Offline lmao_37

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2005, 07:41:56 PM »
well i know how you feel to be honest i was knocked of my bandit last year i had only had it 3 weeks and past my test the month b4 (my first proper bike ), i was really pissed off cos of the amount of damage at 30 mph it did the engine side cover startermotor side, handlebars, headlamp surround, huge scrape in the fuel tank, clutch lever, speedo and a brand new pair of bike trousers and crash helmet also broken thumb, i replaced the lid and all my gear when i part ex'd a kmx 125 and got really good deal on my clothing as well as the bike so i took full advantage cos i was getting 40% off my gearso i got all new gear jacket+trousers and new lid,  so all told the damage to the bike was £900 and £300 for my personal affects without personal injury which is still to be settled all cos a wanker pulled out from behind a van and the little barstard got away with driving with out insurance and driving without due care cos he was put in prison for hitting someone the day b4 we were due to go to court

i hope you get the bike fixed soon if you need any help sourcein parts give me a shout

98 bandit 600 n

Offline lmao_37

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2005, 04:44:44 PM »
hi guys

right iam off on my holidays so ill catch you in about 12 days so take care and have fun

98 bandit 600 n

Offline Slider

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2005, 02:51:52 AM »
Quote from: "Egg 'n' Bacon"
Took an unexpected trip along the road yesterday :duh: .  Got torn ligaments in R shoulder, cracked bone R wrist, sprained both thumbs, and assorted bruises.  

I WAS wearing a full face helmet, armoured leather, boots an gloves.
The helmet had the vents and visor ripped off and was also scoured in one spot near the temple.
The jacket burst seams (2" on two) at R shoulder.  Significant scuffs at both elbows and lower back.
Trousers had BIG gouges in both sliders & a fair bit of scuffing at te right hip.
Gloves; both have had the knuckle protectors scoured by the tarmac.
Boot; no damage.

It really doesn't take much thought to figure out wether I'd be well enough to type this, if I hadn't been wearing the gear.

To those who don't care to wear it, just think of Darwin, you know; "Survival of the fittest".

Are you fit enough to survive  :?:

I did something like this 40 years ago, but certainly at a much lower speed on an inferior bike with just shorts and teeshirt & sneakers. The front tire jammed against the fender when I hit a shallow unmarked construction trench in the road and did an end over end. This caused a severe shoulder separation and skin abrasions with 9 days in hospital.

Your thoughts on proper gear are right on. All of the skin abrasons would have been avoided. Proper checkups on the bike would have avoided all, but I was young and stupid.

I wear a Technic ballistic nylon/kevlar suit now when weather permits. It is good from 0C or 32F to about 28C/85F at speed. Joe Rocket now has a sorta all temperature jacket with many zip out possibilities from hot down to ?? weather for $700 C. The word in the street is that it isn't quite as good a line for quality.

Have you mentioned anywhere how fast you were going for this slide and other details?

It might help some others.

It occurs to me that Britain is the home to a great many legends.
BSA, Triumph, AJS, Ariel, Royal Enfield, Norton, Matchless, Brough, Vincent, Scott, Velocette etc. I saw quite a few of these when I was young. I recall being astonished by an Ariel square four with its geared double crankshaft.
Bandit 12, Yoshi can, jets, KNN, Gen Mar risers, 3 Givi 36L hardbags

Offline Egg 'n' Bacon

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2005, 05:43:38 AM »
I don't have any clear memory of the start of the 'off'.  But I do have an image of the bike on the floor (front end to my left) with me falling towards it, face first.

It happened coming off a roundabout.  We had a gander at the site later in the day & figure I was powering out (left handed turn).  I have the feeling the whole thing was completely my own doing; too aggressive with the right wrist :roll:   My 'guestimate' is I'd maybe got to 50-60 mph, when it flicked me off.

Analysis; a couple of points worth noting.  
I've only been back on bikes a year, after 20 years.
I had the B12 almost one month.
It happened about one mile from home (cold tyres).
I REALLY need to smooth out my style.

This is an almost daily commute to work, & like to 'push' on a bit to learn more about the limits of the bike.  This day I exceeded the limits :duh:

Of course, a track day is the place for this, with the lack of other traffic, gravel traps, track personell, etc.  But I never was that patient.

So what has it cost me?  Well this comes in various catagories;
£££££££££ even using second hand parts, I figure on spending about £400.
Pride; well my 'pride & joy' is currently in pieces in my garage.
Pain and health; it'll be at least 6 months before my shoulder is 'fully' fit again.
Lastly, I CANT RIDE, for at least a month :crybaby:

Offline PeteSC

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2005, 09:03:20 AM »
I kind of did the same thing.....trashed my B12 a few miles from home, on a road and curve I shouldn't have.
  I went back several times looking for oil on the road....gravel, but there wasn't much.
  It had to be my idiot!
   I was on a 'test ride' after having trouble getting the bike started after it had been sitting a while.   The bike was hesitating a bit, and all I can figure out, is I might have rolled on a bit of throttle on the slight curve, not much happened...and I subconsciously rolled a bit more on.....and it 'cooked off'.  All I know was...I was sliding on the pavement...looking at cars going by the other way a few feet away. :shock:

     I was mostly scraped up, and the bike took about $1000 in parts to patch up.  Other than a hand I had exrayed since I thought it was broken, (It wasn't) I had some extensive road rash since I was wearing a non-bike type jacket that the sleeve 'rode up' my arm on as I was sliding.
Spartanburg, SC
'99 Bandit 1200
'03 DR650
I'm really a very hot, sexy,lesbian, trapped in this fat, middle-aged, male body......

Offline Egg 'n' Bacon

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6 DUI's, kills a they're getting 'serious'.....
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2005, 05:15:01 PM »
Just back from the hospital yesterday, still feeling pretty sore!  Ended up having the same op twice :shock:   Seems the plate fitted to the collar bone didn't properly engage with the shoulder blade and slipped off.

Have to stop now, more latwer