The rear fork(s) would have to be new or heavily modified as they would have to be moved out a lot for a wide enough belt to come even close to handling 100+ hp. Most drive belts and chains are massively underdesigned for bikes... they ought to be much larger but generally get away with it since we rarely put much more than a small fraction of top engine HP through them. If the roads had speed limits of 130mph we would be changing chains several to many times a year.
Another problem is that rubber doesn't like the high speed impact it gets from the drive sprockets at, say 100mph up. At speed, rubber starts to behave in a much more brittle fashion when impacted.
All sprockets are subject to something called "Chordal Action". They look round but are really polygons with a flat sided drive action. You can see this when you see a chain under heavy load... impossible on a bike but easy on a stationary machine where you can see the chain seems to vibrate up and down at the sprockets, (especially as the sprockets wear).
I may be wrong, but I believe that sport bikes should/will never be using belts, (the V Rod is no sport bike, methinks).