-Take your time! If you can make it in First... do it in First.
- It's always important to check your speed BEFORE entering a corner. Work UP to speeds.. don;t worry about (I'm not going FAST enough.. unless people are honking at you from behind!)
- Don't slam your brakes on during cornering, (or ANY time, really.. gotta stay SMOOTH).
LOOK at the approaching corner
CHECK YOUR SPEED by smoothly rolling-off the throttle and squeezing the brakes SMOOTHLY and STEADILY, until you feel your speed for the corner is controllable.
Once you are halfway through the corner, crack the throttle open a tiny bit. The bike will turn smoother with the throttle cracked-open, but only ine the LATTER HALF of the corner. Racer's all know this trick.
The important thing is not to get too eager, or loose your sense with speed. Most of my early crashes (35 years ago), were due to excess speed going into a corner. This leaves you with two options:
1) You straighten the bike up and run straight off the end of the corner, hoping there isn't a phone-pole, cop, or cliff waiting by the edge of the road. If you're really LUCKY, you'll just run into a field and fall over in the mud.
2) You HANG ON to the bike, leaning it farther-over than you ever thought possible. How to do that? a) Big Balls b) Don't panic c) POINT YOUR VISION THROUGH THE CORNER... "through the mountain". The bike will lean over a lot farther than you imagine. Just stay smooth and NEVER CHOP THE THROTTLE OFF SUDDENLY. This causes the front-end to un-load, upsetting the bike's balance. This could result in the infamous "High-Side", where the rear-end slides out, then catches, potentially flipping you off the bike.
Stay Smooth, keep your speed down to comfortable levels, and if you are a new rider, by all means...
TAKE THE MOTORCYCLE SAFETY COURSE in your area. It's only a couple of days, and could well result in saving your Bacon.
Hope some of this helps.