Author Topic: Advising not to buy motorcycles  (Read 5292 times)

Offline smooth operator

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Advising not to buy motorcycles
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2005, 07:17:30 AM »
I get tons of snow here too,I put studded snows on my van and some weight in the back. No public transportation outside the city,I'm about 8 miles out(in the snow belt)but I have to haul tools and sometimes materials. And your right,a ride down  interstate 90 from Ohio to NY in the winter,you'll see suv's littering the comidian. 4wd dosn't make you stop any quicker on th ice. I found it was a extra expense. If I can get out of my driveway(300 feet up hill) I can get anywhere.My jobs ake me anywhre fom local here in Erie,to as far as Rochester  (Canadayga next week) Pittsburg,Cleveland,anywhere inbetween. I too have been driving slower to save gas,and it now seems like I always have somone on my ass when I do.

Offline amboman

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Advising not to buy motorcycles
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2005, 01:09:00 PM »
I thought I was doing right by everyone when I decided to leave the 4x4 at home and save fuel by using the B12 more.  It just does not seem right when I am riding in the cold wind and rain trying to save a few bucks when the government is condeming me for doing it.  Besides it is now not a case of wanting to save a few dollars, it is a case of not having the extra dollars to pay for the fuel in the first place.

The silver lining is that I get to ride the Bandit nearly every day now.  :banana:
Taken over by the dark side. Now riding a CB 1300 but visit my old bandit regular.

Offline DFGS1100

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Advising not to buy motorcycles
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2005, 04:54:34 PM »
One would think that a metro area as large and...ahem..."wealthy" as Los Angeles would be teeming with public transportation options. I suppose that in L.A. "proper" and the inner-city areas, that's probably true. However, in the outlying areas...not so much. Unfortunately, as a matter of necessity now, I commute 150 a day into downtown L.A. (from out toward Palm Springs). Yes, there is the Metro train that runs in from San Bernardino, but
A: it was about $300(!) a month last I checked, and
B: its still about 45 mile round trip from my house to the station.
So...the freeways are packed (and massively dicey for a biker), gas costs an arm and leg, and the train costs as much as gas, wear-and-tear, insurance (and mental health) of car commuting. Oy. Luckily I can tele-commute one day a week...

By the way, just joined up here (nice board!), long time owner of beloved '83 GS1100E (amongst others) and playing with the thought of buying a Bandit 1200S. Glad to see the '06 will be nicer looking!  :motorsmile:

You just can't have a decent mid-life crisis on less than 1,000cc's!