Author Topic: Aftermarket sites???  (Read 3029 times)

Offline skyrider

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Aftermarket sites???
« on: May 08, 2007, 01:20:59 AM »
Thinking of getting the new Bandit.  1.  Is the windscreen very effective?  2.  Any good sites for after-market products?



Offline ZenMan

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Aftermarket sites???
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2007, 01:44:43 AM »
:welcome:  and excellent choice... I love my new 1250! What color do you like?

The windscreen has a smooth airflow, about chest level. My helmet and shoulders are in the slipstream, but there's no turbulence.

I'm thinking I'll order a MRA Vario Touring screen soon... from Twisted Throttle. They have some other '07 650/1250 accesories available also. Click here and scroll down:
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Offline skyrider

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Aftermarket sites???
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2007, 06:28:06 PM »
Thanks for the link.  Can I assume that on other sites, such as Givi, that stuff for the 06' 1200 will also fit the the 07' 1250?

I prefer the red.  What color did you get?

Offline ZenMan

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Aftermarket sites???
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2007, 06:48:23 PM »
I got the black... the red looks good too though.  :bigok:

The '06 B1200 has mostly the same styling, fairing, tail section, and instrumentation as the '07 B1250. so things like windshields and seats should be no problem.

Anything that bolts to the engine or gets in the way of the radiator will probably be a problem though, since it's so different. It'll be awhile before the aftermarket companies catch up, but I'm in no hurry... dang thing runs like a raped ape like it is.  :bandit:
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Offline H2RICK

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« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2007, 08:36:30 PM »
Unless you are 5'8" or shorter, or have a short torso with long legs, do NOT buy the Givi touring screen. I put one on my '06 B12S (same fairing as the B1250S) and it's no better than my stock screen with the Laminar Touring Lip on it. I'd be REALLY pi$$ed if I'd had to pay retail for the Givi....but I got it at cost through work. Now I've got to figure out some way to move the little attachment thingys on the Lip so they'll fit with the different curve/shape of the Givi screen. Hopefully this combination will finally lift the wind above my chest....and maybe above my helmet. BTW, I'm 6 foot exactly.
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Offline Frisk Fisk

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« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2007, 06:11:52 AM »
H2RICK does it right in sharing his dimensions.  It isn't particularly helpful to critique windscreens without indicating how tall you sit in the saddle.  I'm 5'11" (having lost 3/4" somewhere between age 18 and age 72).  My inseam is 29" so my torso is relatively tall,  and the stock 1250S screen directs the wind at my head.  I'm hoping that the MRA Vario that just arrived will get it higher.  Other relevant information: the seat is in low position and the bars are stock.  I'm thinking of adding barback risers for an inch in both directions, which will mean more fussing with the screen, but then that's why they call it a Vario.  On my V Strom, also Vario equipped,there is also room for adjustment where the screen mounts to the fairing but until I get into it, I don't know if this is the case with the 1250S.
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Offline ZenMan

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Aftermarket sites???
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2007, 10:26:15 AM »
Good point. I'm 6'2" with 30" inseam... also tall torso short leg bodyshape. The stock screen hits me at collarbone level.

I also had a V-Strom but I was able to get the stock screen on that to work by putting it in "above" high position and adding spacers to tilt it back.

If Frisk likes his Vario, I'll probably order one too.
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