F*#* me standing, its bad enough when ya kids, try ya on for size.
But when a grown man tries ya on for size it really shytes me off.
I took my tech drawings down to the engineer to build my custom fork brace, come front guard mount for project REX. Looks the drawings over, asks a couple of questions, which I might add had the answers in the drawing notes, and then states hmmm thats gonna take me the best part of a day to knock up.
After picking myself and my dislodged jaw up from the floor, I squarely looked at the old bugger, fine forget it, heres the alloy blocks (it's a 5 piece unit) just cut the 63mm holes x 2 and I'll do the rest.
"What", he says "how ya gonna do that", "the cheap and old fashioned way, with a hacksaw some files and a dremel, and I'll do quicker than you".
Why oh why do people think we are all efen morons?
I'm gonna start looking for a old fashioned mill, just a glorified drill press with a movable base. It will cost just a little bit more than an engineer wants to charge me for a simple 5 piece fork brace. Yeh I now the shed of creation will soon be not big enough.