Author Topic: Bandits wheely easily.  (Read 10620 times)

Offline curiousmike

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Bandits wheely easily.
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2006, 04:12:58 AM »
Quote from: "ATC'er"
Quote from: "curiousmike"
My 1200 appears to be the easiest bike I've ever had to wheely, including my ex-Busa.

curiousmike, I've wondered how much faster is the Busa compared to the Bandit 1200.  Not in numbers, but in thrill factor.  

I think it'll depend on the person and day of the week.

Stock Bandit is about 105hp give or take.  Stock Busa about 155 give or take.
You'd think with 50% more HP, it might feel 50% faster.

I don't think it does *but I haven't ridden it for 2 years, so my memory could be wrong.*

Overall, the 1st thru 3rd gear roll-ons with the Bandit have been very satisfactory on my part.

But I will say this:  The Busa does not stop pulling at 140mph --- it's a monster if you care about acceleration at serious speeds.

Offline mike

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« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2006, 09:59:28 AM »
Quote from: "BHolland"

How do you put a jet kit in a fuel injected bike?

I assume you're playin with me Big "B", since you're into drag racing...

But for anyone wonderin'...

Technically it's not a Jet kit, but a Power Commander that can be used in conjunction with a dynometer to adjust air/fuel on bikes with performance exhausts...  Here's a pic of one, they go for about $350..

I guess in comparison for conversation sake, technically a "jetkit" would also include:
-TRE (Timing Retard Eliminator )-like the Bandit's timing advancer
-an airbox mod to open up the intake-Brock has instructions
-pair valve block-off plates

Brock actually sells a whole upgrade package for the Busa...  it has all the goodies in one package, great all-in-one performance package ready for a stock Busa...  

Offline mike

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« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2006, 11:00:36 AM »
Here's a Busa owner that has a real nice Busa with all the goodies explained, not a drag racer, he looks to be more of a street rider.. explains where he got the items and what works for the street...

Here's his exhaust and power commander explained in a riders terms...
power commander

Offline Bob Holland

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« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2006, 04:05:58 PM »

Technically it's not a Jet kit, but a Power Commander that can be used in conjunction with a dynometer to adjust air/fuel on bikes with

I have never heard a power comander refered to as a jet kit, but what the heck, the Busa is the best platform to start with if you want to go really fast. I have built a couple big bore Busas and one stroker motor for other racers. I have also built several ZX12 motors, just as much fun but hard to work on after you put the engine back in the frame. The ZX14 should be another good one but if it has the same frame as the ZX12 then I want no part of them.
They do build a head for the Busa that uses carbs, it is for AMA Pro Stock.
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Offline Old_n_Slow

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Bandits wheely easily.
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2006, 05:10:01 PM »
My 1200 05 Bandit wheelies fairly easily, but what I really like is when I'm pulling onto a street and open it up, by carefully modulating the throttle the bike's front wheel will lift about 2 inches and then skip like a stone on lake while accelerating. It is completely controllable and the wife even told me "it looks like you actually know what you're doing".

thank you, dear.
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Offline mike

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Bandits wheely easily.
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2006, 06:49:43 PM »
Yeah, that was my bad, B....   It was just a term I used.. Most Bandit street riders know what a jetkit is...  unless Bandit street riders have done fuel injection work with mods on other bikes, power commander might not make the connection in meaning...

The ZX14 should be interesting, Didn't it just get announced within the last 6 months ?  Due in 2006 sometime....  Do you know if any are out yet ?

Mike :)

Offline Bob Holland

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« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2006, 07:20:37 PM »
This is from an article about the ZX14 from another site
""but Rickey jumped on and ran a 9.31@151MPH followed by Ryan’s stunning 9.14@153MPH. Remember, this was at a measured corrected altitude of over 3500 ft with an 8-10mph cross wind. I can see 9.0’s or even 8.90’s if Ryan rides this bike at Valdosta in the right conditions.""
This is with the bike lowered and the front strapped down.

Check ou this site.
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Offline jomed

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« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2006, 11:25:37 AM »
hmnnn...i thought this thread will refers to wheelie action... anyway, nice infomations sir bout busa and zx14.

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Offline mattt

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Bandits wheely easily.
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2006, 06:49:14 PM »
Ive had my B6 K3 since xmas, first bike, im at the curious stage of wanting to wheelie. how do I go about doing it then? without scaring the phuck out of myself. Will the front lift up if i open it up fully pulling away in first? Ive tried slipping the cluch but i struggle to hold of with my left hand lol. I need to know what im doing before I scare the shit out of myself haha. - The directory for motorcycle enthusiasts.

Offline curiousmike

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Bandits wheely easily.
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2006, 07:44:54 PM »
You can flip over doing a wheely and kill yourself.

Once you start, you won't stop.

Other, more "mature" motorcyclists will consider you a plague to motorcycling at large, corroding the image of good motorcyclists with those bent on wheelying at will.

Furthermore, depending on where you live, a wheely is considered "reckless driving", and you will get a misdemeanor infraction, get booked, and see a real judge... not traffic court.  But don't ask me how I know.

I will give you a small piece of advice.  When accelerating hard in first gear, practice keeping your foot over the rear brake.  In the midst of hard acceleration, see if you can "tap" the rear brake.  You'd think with all of a motorcyclists coordination that "tapping" the rear brake while acceleration hard would be simple.  Give it a try.

Offline mike

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« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2006, 08:26:54 PM »
ditto...  a heavy street bike's kind of a bad platform to learn on...  evryone screws up sooner or later; luckily all my screwup learning pase stuff was on a dirt bike 20 yrs ago.  Not having ridden a B6, I can't really comment on what it can and can't do...  But the B12's power to wt ratio is more suited for it.  My guess is a B6 is gonna need more rider ability to get it to come up smooth and easy- good use of clutch, throttle, and balance.

If you are hell bent on getting new plastic, definitely choose a place like a empty office parking lot on Sunday where you and your property are the only ones who'll get smashed up.  Everyone who's been on two wheels seems to go through this phase, and mistakes are inevitable-how we learn...  most veterans consider wheelies a novelty at the end of the day; maybe had some fun with one every now and then, but for the most part prefer to keep both wheels planted.

Offline curiousmike

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« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2006, 09:12:43 PM »
Quote from: "mike"
most veterans consider wheelies a novelty at the end of the day

And some veterans consider them a necessity.

Offline gyrogearcrunch

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Wheelies going into second gear
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2006, 01:11:40 AM »
My 1200 likes to wheelie unintentionally when I shift into 2nd in a turn and hit the gas. Never caused a problem, but it sure was a surprise the first time!  :shock:

Offline smooth operator

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Bandits wheely easily.
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2006, 06:22:18 AM »
I like those high speed 5th gear wheelies from hitting a rise on the road under power. Doesn't come up all that high, but it will carry for awhile. I have a sterring damper on, if it comes down and the front isn't straight it could cause a wobble. But the Bandit is pretty steady.Not tank slapper prone,the only wobbles I ever got was more of a frame wobble on the back straight @ Nelson.(but thats another story)

Offline mattt

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Bandits wheely easily.
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2006, 06:27:44 PM »
Quote from: "curiousmike"
You can flip over doing a wheely and kill yourself.

Once you start, you won't stop.

Other, more "mature" motorcyclists will consider you a plague to motorcycling at large, corroding the image of good motorcyclists with those bent on wheelying at will.

Furthermore, depending on where you live, a wheely is considered "reckless driving", and you will get a misdemeanor infraction, get booked, and see a real judge... not traffic court.  But don't ask me how I know.

I will give you a small piece of advice.  When accelerating hard in first gear, practice keeping your foot over the rear brake.  In the midst of hard acceleration, see if you can "tap" the rear brake.  You'd think with all of a motorcyclists coordination that "tapping" the rear brake while acceleration hard would be simple.  Give it a try.

Lol cheers for the advice, maybe i should learn how to go round corners first haha. - The directory for motorcycle enthusiasts.