INVADERS! And they're looking for Jim! Quick! Everyone circle around Jim and protect him!Anyone?Never mind.
Quote from: Desolation Angel INVADERS! And they're looking for Jim! Quick! Everyone circle around Jim and protect him!Anyone?Never mind.Just give 'em what they want and they'll go away.
Seanybiker: hyosung piece of shit Bandit bullet proof engine. Fair enough itdepends on the pilot. but I would piss all over any crapp hyosung. Grand bikes (not IMHO) but bandit would ruin them. God I wish there was someone stupid enough in ireland to buy one. I'd ruin him/her.
Red01:QuoteSeanybiker: hyosung piece of shit Bandit bullet proof engine. Fair enough itdepends on the pilot. but I would piss all over any crapp hyosung. Grand bikes (not IMHO) but bandit would ruin them. God I wish there was someone stupid enough in ireland to buy one. I'd ruin him/her.I guess you didn't know Hyosung has been building engines and bikes for Suzuki for many years - and the SV650 engine is THEIR design...Most of Suzuki's small bore bikes, scooters and ATVs are Hyosung-built and Suzuki labelled.
I think some of the HD crowd feels the same way about the Porsche designed motor in the V-Wad.