Last year I had a hawk take out my new Zero Gravity screen.
As these things happen in slow motion I was able to account the play by play.
Hawk flys into ditch, grabs what I think is a mouse.
Flys out of ditch straight at the bandit, and trys some low speed manouvers.
Hawk drops mouse (flaps wings a little harder)
Hawk hits windsceen next to mirror with his little pecker poking a hole in my recently purchased $120 USD investment.
Hawk is instantly decapitated with what is left of the beak & head rolling off the tank, on to my lap & then on the ground. The lifeless body grazing my right shoulder.
Me, the rider stops at the next country coffee shop having to endure the stares of farmers examining my blood & feather stained crotch to clean up the said mess.
Did any of those hayseeds ask if I was ok? Nooooooooooo