Ok, I do just luv, the mighty fuel debate.
The nuckle heads tinkering with ya carbs, find that hard to believe, but could happen. But being a wrench myself, I ask this. If its running fine why would anyone pull the carbs to tinker. Drain the bowls yes, but unless the owner asks for the carbs to be tinkered with, no way basic tune up never, if the bike ran real bad, when it came in, yes but otherwise, no way the workshop would go broke in a week.
My suggestion is, start using premium grade fuel again, after 2 to 3 tanks you will have the answer. Your bike likes premium, or someone been stuffing with your carbs and did a shocking job.
Yes the other thing is to watch out for winter grade fuels, can some times play havoc, I dont know about over there, but here they are sneeking into the fuel, ethanol again, Aussies, be carefull BP seems to be the main offender. Well its not actually BP its some of the operators. Bp's premium plants is off line again, for reasons unknown. Most Bp stations have signs up on all premium pumps, out of order. But some seem to have premium, but I am assured it is not BP. Have had a few bikes in over the last few weeks running off song, the 1 st few had us at the shop stumped.
Common denominator, BP premium fuel, drain tank and carbs, fresh fuel from another supplier.

yep no problem, on song and running fine. Just to prove the point we now have 5 batches of fuel being tested by the CSIRO.