Hope you don't mind if I go way off-topic, kinda? The water in the spark plug reminded me of my pre-motorcycle follies. I lived in the Arctic Circle twenty odd years ago in a tiny Inuit village called Holman. I was out touring on my ski-doo on the ice in front of town. It was spring so there had been some melting and re-freezing. I was on some 'new' ice just a few feet offshore when I heard 'crack' and the next thing I knew my snowmobile was sitting in three feet of ocean water.
I scrambled out and some of my friends came running down from town to help. We pulled my sled out of the water and then they told me it would be doused inside with salt water so we had to get that out quick.
I got the plug out and then one jovial Eskimo guy started pulling on the starter rope. Water whooshed out of the cylinder every time he yanked on it.
"I can't start the darn thing," he puffed, winking at everybody. He stopped pulling. "I know what the problem is!" he exclaimed. "It's flooded!"
Everyone of us rolled on the ice laughing for several minutes.
So, as Sven so kindly pointed out, the daily stupid activities continue happening and I'm getting better at them as I've had so much practice!
This boat is exactly where my ski-doo went through the ice!