Up here it might be similar up to a point.
Peterborough has become a retirement community near Toronto. Sell there and move here, buy a better house and larger lot for MUCH less and pocket $$. My son calls them the "Blue Rinse" set after the women.
My point is that both sexes do the same stuff as you describe... but never do see you. They pull up to stops signs... and they DO stop. Once that legality is over they start again. No need to turn the head and look it seems, as the neck joint doesn't function or they've forgotten.
They second group I call "Valium Princess' ". I have been cut off twice by women, in one case dropping off her kids at school. With full eye contact, she made a U turn right in front of me. Did my first STOPPIE on that one, and came within a hairs breadth of a full flop within 2' of her broadside passenger door. I chased her for several blocks but gave it up... What the hell good would it do?
The second one did the same on a two lane road while she took a mile to pass with me aproaching headlight lit. Eye contact near the end too while I was moving into the gravel.
They good news with both types is that they do All in slow motion.

All of you should practice riding in the gravel on the shoulder. It works but get your weight back in case it is deep gravel.