I'd say keep the Dita unless you have a money crunch, it's not like you are still paying for it, or like it takes up -that- much room. Plus it's a fun bike to take to bike night, people always clustered around mine trying to figure out what it was.
Yeah, the FI is -sweet-. A little abrupt, but I hear a Power Commander will fix that and the stinky exhauust somewhat. Definatly on the list of 'things I need to buy when I'm not broke' 
Alright, I'll just tell people that Maniac said I should keep her. Wait,.. that might not work to my advantage.
A few people have said I should make her into a track bike. Personally, I don't think I have the money, or patience to fix her if I crash her out there. And she's so pretty now.
I know what you mean about bike night. I have tons of people looking at her, and even the cruiser/Harley guys like to chat with me. I once complained that she was leaking a little oil, thanks to the previous owner, and one of them said, "Come bring her over here beside my Harley, you can blame it on me."

And little old ladies. I've had them come up to me and tell me what a pretty little bike she is.
I might have to look at the Power Commander. I don't find the exhaust any stinkier than Dita's, but the ability to "tweak" would be nice.