I took my son for his first trail ride Monday. We rode at a place called ForestHill Louisiana. It used to be Camp Claibourn back in the old days.
My son on his TTR 125 and me on the old Drz400. You talk about having a blast! I was tickled pink with his riding ability. He kept thinking "Trail ride? How hard could it be?" He found out the same way I did that a couple miles of trail can whoop yer butt. He made it over,around and through obstacles that I thought he wasn't going to make. Boy, was I stoked. Hell, he made one that I didn't make completely. It was a ravine that dropped about 15 feet[3 meters] and then rose back up the same distance on the other side with roots and rocks thrown in for good measure. At first he didn't want to try and I talked him into it.
"Just roll down to the bottom and when you get to the other side use your momentum and open it up to climb back out"I told him. And he did just that down he went cracked it open and VVRROOOOM up the other side.
Me on the other hand didn't practice what I preached. I got 2/3s of the way back up and stalled it. Man am I glad that thing has electric start.
Anyways, logs,ditches and other things just made it that much more fun. He really ran those 35 miles of trails well. 18 miles the first time Broke for lunch and 17 after lunch. My buddies kids couldn't do the whole loop on 1 tank of gas. they all had 2 smoke 85s and 100s. I was the only Suzuki in the bunch, usually am.
I'm sore as hell today...but it was worth it.