Author Topic: I saw Nickey WIN...and The Texas Tornado best Rossi!!!!!!!!!  (Read 1983 times)

Offline FlyingTurtle1

  • Board Homesteader!
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  • Posts: 82
:congrats:  To Nicky and Colin !  Just returned to my 'puter after 3 weeks of coast to coast riding! OK 2 weeks on the Italian Whore and a couple of rides on my daughters SV650 in S.C. but I had to drive there.... The US Moto GP ROCKED!! Think I heard there were 160 K folks there for the weekend. Traffic was a BITCH even lane splitting! Bikes were running between lanes, on the right side , down the middle (which we found out Sunday is OK as long as you don't get picked out of the 100 other bikes doing it by the CHP) any way to get by the cagers and trucks. Racing was as expected AWSOME, watching those karts run was something, watching M.Maldin and then seeing the GP Boyz...all I could say was DAMN!
 The ride out was nice...and HOT...the ride back was Nice and HOTTER! You folks who live out west sure are a brave lot, I can't ever remember thinking it was too hot to ride but I sure came close in Az. on the way out and in Utah and KN. on the way back. We slabbed the trip and it was probably a good thing because you COULD stop often and water up. We found we were stopping every 120/130 miles. Wet shirts under mesh jackets RULE for at least an hour or so :lol: Wet Silks under you helmet help too.
 As a side wearing gear is very important :soapbox: Gotta say my piece here...1 day before we got home my buddy, with 40 years riding experience, Crashed his Venture. He has always told me to always wear gear and I do, it saved his life on July 15th.Right now the details aren't important...just that his new Bell had a DENT in it the size of a fifty cent piece! His Joe Rocket mesh held up well and he walked away. He had to be trailerd back to my house from Mo. because of damage to the bike AND himself...If you crash GO TO THE HOSPITAL! He didn't until he hurt so bad 3 days later that he finally went to find out he had 2 broken ribs and a concussion. Save yourself the pain go get checked out! OK off the soapbox now...Just know you folks on this site are valuable people and I don't wanna see any of you hurt...'nuff said.
 To Kent, sorry you didn't get to go, you'd have loved it.
 To Pete, sorry I didn't get your call until last night and figured you were either on your way home from Mid-Ohio or decided it was too hot and wet to make it there. Just heard  E Boz won and my man Maldin crashed trying not to run over Yates....
 To all the rest of you Banditos...Go out and see the races! I don't care what you like, Moto GP, AMA, Flattrack, Motocross Ride your bikes there and ENJOY!! You'll meet some very nice folks along the way riding things you won't believe(like a guy and his 14 yr.old daughter and 2 dogs on a Burgman scotter going to Colorado...we met them in Indiana).
 Rambled on enough...FlyingTurtle1 out for now!! RIDE SAFELY HAVE FUN
Terry Humphreys...No longer a Bandit owner
'06 FJR..stock for the moment....