I guess I'm not too wise in the ways of motorcycle politics, so what's up with the conspiracy rumours running around Nicky Haden
I mean Nicky is a very good maybe even a great rider, but if Rossi hadn't been having motorcycle troubles in the first half of the year would the points even be close?
I've heard that Honda doesn't want Nicky to win the championship, so they made him test crappy clutches for a few races, and now they are giving orders to Pedrosa to take him out?? I guess I don't see the advantage or more importantly the money that Honda would gain from this (and make no mistake if this is happening sombody is making money). If the MotoGP guys are behind it--again I don't see the advantage. If you were creating a blood fued between Rossi and Hayden to boost vewership it would make sense, but that isn't happening. If Rossi wins the championship--so what?? everybody's seen it before. If Hayden wins--they have can exploit the "favorite son" line to tap into the North American market.
Like I said I don't know a lot about the politics, but couldn't it just be mismanagement and bad luck, coupled with a great racer (Rossi) making a comeback from a rough start to the season?