Just so happens I finally put on the gel seat today and forced my 11 year old daughter to go with me to report on passenger comfort.
I found it to be more comfortable for ME than the stock seat and the Sargent seat, although the Sargent seat is like new and probably has some breaking in still to do. I swapped out the striker from the Sargent, but forgot to swap the 6 cushions out, too, so my test is likely flawed. I'll try again tomorrow when perhaps my brain will be functioning better.
Anyway, like I said, I found it pretty comfortable, but couldn't ride it long enough to find out how long I was good for with it, because my daughter started getting a butt ache after about 20-25 minutes. I pushed it another 30 minutes until her squirming got dangerous and stopped to buy us lunch. She said it was
worse than the other one, meaning the Sargent seat she was on last time.
Drat and dagnabbitt! That's 3 seats now and she's only good for 20 minutes. She said at first the gel seat seemed really cushy, but that faded. Too bad, too, 'cause I'd like to drag her around with me more, but I can't have her miserable back there!
Last option, one of those strap on padded gel cushions.
Tomorrow I find out what I really think of the gel seat for me. With all the parts installed.