Author Topic: General Rant about Dealers and Accessories (kinda long).  (Read 2569 times)

Offline resqguy

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General Rant about Dealers and Accessories (kinda long).
« on: April 15, 2006, 07:10:23 PM »
OK so during my move as I was unloading my 1200 off the truck it went off the side of the ramp and damaged the right side.  I bent the handlebars and broke the turn signals.  Could have been worse.

I figured I'd take the opportunity to do some customization.  My handlebars really don't fit me right anyway.  I ordered the replacement turnsignals online and headed down to my local Suzuki dealer.  I brought my bent ones with me to make sure I matched the ID and OD correctly.

I show the bars to the parts guy, and he asks what are they for? I answer "me, but they don't quite right".  I guess he meant what bike they were from.  He says that will be $68.  I tell him I don't want an exact replacement and ask does he have any aftermarket bars?  No he doesn't, and no he doesn't know who does.

So off I go looking for aftermarket street handlebars. No luck.  That just doesn't make sense to me.  20 years ago cycle accessory shops were loaded with them.  What's with the one size fits all?  If I wanted Basketball shoes they wouldn't hand me a size 10 and send me on my way.

So back to the Suzuki dealer.  I'll guess I'll take the stock ones.  Oh you have to order them?  I can do that online.  The guys says instead of bars I should just buy a new bike.  Yeah right.

Today its about 80 degrees and the Blue Ridge Pwy is about 5 miles from my house.  I'm ready to ride but my bike isn't.

Sorry for the rant guys but years ago I found a set of bars for my GS750 that fit me perfectly.  They really made a difference.

Offline mike

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General Rant about Dealers and Accessories (kinda long).
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2006, 07:21:03 PM »
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
The guys says instead of bars I should just buy a new bike.

 :duh: Wish I'da thought of that before I came here looking for bars...


Offline mike

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General Rant about Dealers and Accessories (kinda long).
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2006, 07:42:55 PM »

here's Ron Ayers Suzuki OEM part ($56)

Here's a bunch of cheaper bars.  A maxzuk member has (E) on a gsf600..
You'll have to contact them and see which one (if any) fit the 1200..

Offline resqguy

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General Rant about Dealers and Accessories (kinda long).
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2006, 09:01:13 PM »
You'll have to contact them and see which one (if any) fit the 1200..

I was hoping to find a set that fit ME.

Offline smooth operator

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General Rant about Dealers and Accessories (kinda long).
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2006, 06:06:53 AM »
I put on superbike bars,I'm surprised they were not more helpful. You can order them from  Parts Unlimited,Motorcycle Stuff,just a couple of catologs that come to mind that I know sell them that dealers buy from. You would need your rise,pull back,length and bar size.

Offline duane

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General Rant about Dealers and Accessories (kinda long).
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2006, 02:09:54 PM »
I first started riding in the mid eighteis and remember going into dealerships that had large displays of handle bars.  You walk up to them chose wich one you want, pay for it and you were done.  No big deal, it was common.  For some reason that has all but disapeared, (remember when K&N made handle bars?).  Untill yesterday; I was in a "street fighter" shop and there was a big display of Bike Master handle bars, black, chrome, different angles, nice.  They're still out there, you just have to look.  I can kind of feel your pain, I hate conter guys that can't or dont want to see past the end of their nose.