I rarely watch the local news, unless there's something going on locally I HOPE they may cover. (Usually disappointed!)
About a month ago, there was a 'teaser' about a dangerous curve in the area that is claiming the lives of motorcyclists.
Not aware of any 'dangerous curves' in the area, I tuned in.
The 'curve' turned out to be a slight turn in a local, lightly trafficed expressway. I'm talking a few degree change of direction. You'd have to take the slight bend at 150 mph on a bike to make it mildly interesting.
Evidently, a couple of cruiser guys ran off the road there in a weeks period, and I think one died.
The news people then interviewed a 19 year old Army PFC, in uniform, standing in front of a sports bike, (Think it was a TLR) and he spouted some squidly effluent to the tune of something like this....
"Wow, man, the first time you take that curve, you like hit it at 45 mph, if you're lucky, and you keep practicing until you can go really fast...."
(I go through that 'curve' in my pickup with the cruise control set at 65, (It's a 55 zone)a cigar clenched in my teeth, and my Boxcar Willie CD at full volume....AND I STILL COULD could scratch my arse and whistle Dixie, pick my nose, and play dashboard bongos while gettting around that 'curve'!)
What dribble will NBC spout tonight?
There has to be some cruiser dude talking about 'freedom....'
They'll probably feature some 'stuntah foolz'......
Maybe they'll have a few second mention of an MSF course.....
The majority of us, competent riders will be lumped in with a bunch of fools...