Cashiers checks are no longer safe for individuals...
OK, I yield.
I don't understand why a *real* cashier's check from the bank would not be 100% safe, since it represents actual cash which is deducted from the account holder's balance at the time it's issued. In other words, it is cash that has been transformed into a portable instrument. Unless the bank it's drawn on would suddenly fold, you should be safe. Anyone who knows more about cashier's checks is welcome to educate me (or all of us) on the topic.
Hmmm... we've used cashier's checks several times for land purchases in amounts up to $40,000 dollars... same as cash. Titles were signed over upon deposit. Real estate agents use them all the time as good as gold.
Sven, don't get frustrated... we all realize by now that CWO lives in an alternate universe where gixxers are comfortable, bikes are cheaper in California, and bank/cashiers checks aren't worth the paper they're printed on.
I think it's some kind of tear in the fabric of space/time that enables him to communicate with us through the ethereal virtual space of the internet... sorta like a wormhole from Bizzarro World, y'know?