Author Topic: GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)  (Read 40274 times)

Offline ZenMan

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GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #165 on: May 04, 2007, 02:36:48 PM »
Quote from: "CWO4GUNNER"
With respect to your reference there, without making a large unauthorized repost the same individual has completed more test with multipal slip-on cans archiving 108 HP and believes that with a new timing advancer and header $$$$ 116 HP might be able to be produced but not much more.

Well, this "individual" is already at 113 HP's and an incredible 92 ft-lbs torque... with just a slip-on. Remember, the catalytic converter is still plugging up the header. Removing that will make a huge increase.

Quote from: "CWO4GUNNER"
The remapping from my experience usually just moves the HP and torque curve around but doesn't increase it.

I think you are underestimating what a remap can do.

Think of this... the Gixxer and it's 3-mode map selector gives quite a wide range of horsepower, does it not? You would be more familiar with the numbers than I am... but the point is, if you can have that much of a difference by switching the Gixxer's mapping, then quite a difference can result by remapping the B1250, too.

Remember, the B1250 is about 100 cc's more displacement than the B1200, with higher compression, and bigger valves. It only stands to reason that the horsepower potential is much greater with the proper tuning.

But all the specs aside, it's real life that counts. Torque is way more important on the street, and the B1250 has gobs of it. You'll find out when you test ride it... like I said, numbers won't matter once you get this beast between your legs.  :bandit:
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Offline 03banditrdr

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GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #166 on: May 04, 2007, 02:47:25 PM »
Quote from: "CWO4GUNNER"
I was hoping and expecting a stock 140 HP bike with 100 torque engine, I would have leaped on it.  Still no performance reviews on the Connie 14 which although the ultimate sport tourer is probubly too much on the touring side for me.
Have you checked out the FJR1300. meets those power goals out of the box, take the bags off and its even easy on the eyes!!!

Offline ZenMan

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GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #167 on: May 04, 2007, 02:55:34 PM »
Quote from: "PaulVS"
While I agree that the CWO's past-bashing of the B1250 seems ridiculous, and that the Gixxer is a much more narrow-usage kind of motorcycle... I will say say that if he is intent on trading in his bike... going from an '05 B1200 to an '07 B1250 would be kinda pointless.

Well, it's CWO's decision after all... but as he said himself, selling his B12 and other bikes was a necessary evil because of his circumstances. Replacing it with a B1250 is not pointless at all.

I'm just saying that a B1250 for $8K makes a lot more sense to me than a Gixxer for $12K, when you look at the big picture... such as age, riding style, usage, money, practicality, etc... I mean, I'm in my mid-50's, I still ride pretty aggressively and scrape a peg now and then. I could have bought a Gixxer or a Busa or a ZX-14, but when I sat on those things, no way! I wouldn't want to ride one for more than an hour... that's no fun.

It's more fun to blow the squids into the weeds with a "standard" bike anyway...  :lol:  :bandit:  :motorsmile:

Go ahead and buy the Gixxer, CWO... and more power to ya!   :bigok:   Maybe you just need to get it out of your system. I'm guessing you'll be back before long...  :wink:
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Offline ZenMan

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GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #168 on: May 04, 2007, 03:15:29 PM »
Quote from: "03banditrdr"
Have you checked out the FJR1300. meets those power goals out of the box, take the bags off and its even easy on the eyes!!!

...and weighs well over 600 lbs.!

But if I had a choice of a Gix or a FJR... no hesitation. The FJR wins hands down. So does the ST1300 or the Concours Z14. Any of those three will eat up those long, straight Arizona desert highways at triple-digit speeds and in comfort and style... even two-up.  :motorsmile:
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    • GUNNER G. CWO4 WEPS USCG Retired
GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #169 on: May 04, 2007, 03:23:08 PM »

Offline 03banditrdr

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GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #170 on: May 04, 2007, 04:04:19 PM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"
Quote from: "03banditrdr"
Have you checked out the FJR1300. meets those power goals out of the box, take the bags off and its even easy on the eyes!!!

...and weighs well over 600 lbs.!

But if I had a choice of a Gix or a FJR... no hesitation. The FJR wins hands down. So does the ST1300 or the Concours Z14. Any of those three will eat up those long, straight Arizona desert highways at triple-digit speeds and in comfort and style... even two-up.  :motorsmile:
My next bike will be a FJR1300..NO DOUBT!!  

I did get to see the new B12.5 at the dealer yesterday, $8299..  I liked it, but since I want to do alot more 2 up riding with wifey....FJR it will be


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    • GUNNER G. CWO4 WEPS USCG Retired
GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #171 on: May 04, 2007, 04:17:21 PM »


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    • GUNNER G. CWO4 WEPS USCG Retired
GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #172 on: May 04, 2007, 05:46:45 PM »

Offline 03banditrdr

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GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #173 on: May 04, 2007, 06:48:46 PM »
Quote from: "CWO4GUNNER"
I'm pacing while doing my chores, specifically getting the B12 ready for shipment to the new owner. The best new price I found was a dealership that specialized in OTD pricing. This 06 new for $10299 OTD, what do you think? should I give the hold deposit and drive 300 miles to pick it up?
. I think I am going to call my CU so as not to hit the nest egg.

Offline ZenMan

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GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #174 on: May 04, 2007, 07:17:39 PM »
Well, that's it for me. You're all over the map... from a Concours to a Gixxer to "wait and think this through" to suddenly rushing out to buy a Busa...  :roll:

Hell, go buy a Space Shuttle, for all I care... the insurance rates are about the same as a Busa.  :lol:
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    • GUNNER G. CWO4 WEPS USCG Retired
GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #175 on: May 04, 2007, 08:43:47 PM »

Offline stormi

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GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #176 on: May 04, 2007, 09:04:52 PM »
Quote from: "Sven"
Wow, it must really get cold up in Canadia...the broads all look like Chow Chows.  I bet if you shave her, she looks like a shar-pei.

Usually to have wrinkles, the body underneath it can't be pushing the skin til it's tight...

Somehow I missed like 2 whole pages of posts here...

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GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #177 on: May 04, 2007, 09:08:38 PM »
Quote from: "Sven"
Quote from: "CWO4GUNNER"
PS, why doesn't mine say "Vocal Sight Supporter" in bold baby blue?

And when are gonna get a decent grammar- and spell-checker on this heah thang?

I don't need to while the site members are self, and each other, policing. ;)

Dita - 91 Bandit 400 - SOLD
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Offline stormi

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GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #178 on: May 04, 2007, 09:10:49 PM »
Quote from: "Sven"
Quote from: "PaulVS"
this thread needs to be archived...what caused the destruction of the human race

Wow, that's kind of harsh! Gunner's just tryin' to sell a few bikes and is sharing his progress with us.  That's what the B.A. community is all about:  Sharing.  And totebags.  Big yellow totebags that let everyone know you gave, and baby we mean BIG TIME!

+1 on the destruction thing...

Erm Sven,.. it that a "gave",.. or a "got"? Cos that bag sure says "got" to me...

Dita - 91 Bandit 400 - SOLD
Blue - 02 Hornet 919 - Perfect Gentleman
02 KTM 200 EXC - Sold
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    • GUNNER G. CWO4 WEPS USCG Retired
GSX-R1000 $12k OTD, dealer won't trade-in my 05 B12 (5K)
« Reply #179 on: May 05, 2007, 03:14:21 PM »