With respect to your reference there, without making a large unauthorized repost the same individual has completed more test with multipal slip-on cans archiving 108 HP and believes that with a new timing advancer and header $$$$ 116 HP might be able to be produced but not much more.
Well, this "individual" is already at 113 HP's and an incredible
92 ft-lbs torque... with just a slip-on. Remember, the catalytic converter is still plugging up the header. Removing that will make a huge increase.
The remapping from my experience usually just moves the HP and torque curve around but doesn't increase it.
I think you are underestimating what a remap can do.
Think of this... the Gixxer and it's 3-mode map selector gives quite a wide range of horsepower, does it not? You would be more familiar with the numbers than I am... but the point is, if you can have that much of a difference by switching the Gixxer's mapping, then quite a difference can result by remapping the B1250, too.
Remember, the B1250 is about 100 cc's more displacement than the B1200, with higher compression, and bigger valves. It only stands to reason that the horsepower potential is much greater with the proper tuning.
But all the specs aside, it's real life that counts. Torque is way more important on the street, and the B1250 has gobs of it. You'll find out when you test ride it... like I said, numbers won't matter once you get this beast between your legs.