Author Topic: Happy Easter you lot.  (Read 3501 times)

Offline B6mick

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Happy Easter you lot.
« on: April 13, 2006, 01:44:17 AM »
We ain't holidays and all the plans that go along with them just grand, cough bullshit cough.
As always what can go wrong has.
Yep the minister rings me on my day off, yesterday, and says there is a new sqeak coming from the motor.
Well sure as shyte, there is and its nasty, bearing, dry bearing, nasty f*#*#d dry bearing.
So late last night off with the fan belt, well its still there so it ain't the waterpump, or the alternator,( thank christ for that I just replaced that last month). So its inside the timing case. oh goodie, NOT
Yep a tensioner bearing, so Having just finished putting the bastard back together, and a quick spin around the block all is good again.
Now its pack the sucker up, and hightail it outta here for South Australia, so the Minister can see her sick friend.
Anyway happy easter. and I'll tell you guys the story about the near brand new one piece leather racing suit the minister just scored, which just happens to be my size, (well it will when I loose just a couple more kg's. See ya and stay safe.
Foot loose and fancy free.
Looking for adventure and what ever comes our way.

Offline aussiebandit

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Happy Easter you lot.
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2006, 03:00:09 AM »
Hope you have any uneventful trip to South Oz.

Oh and stay away from their beer, Westend and Southark are both shyte, and don't drink the water, it's worse than the beer.....

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline jbrough7

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Happy Easter you lot.
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2006, 07:29:59 AM »
Happy Easter...hope that one piece is not light blue - my bro' got one and every time I saw him I had to laugh - it looked really gay - not that there's anything wrong with that!

Offline B6mick

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Happy Easter you lot.
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2006, 06:59:06 AM »
Hi guys, Made it here to Sth Oz, very uneventfully. Van ran perfect too.
Being the first time in years and years, that I've driven interstate instead of riding, it turned out ok. Music at the press of a button, a feed, and drinks less than an arms length away. In fact I reckon we made good time, not having to stop for a feed a a drink. The truckies where good, Mick pass on thanks to the Toll guys, job well done, and the code still works. Pulled over at Bordertown just before 2am and climbed into the back of the van for a 6 hr sleep. Next morning straight back to it, and rolled in port adelaide at 11am.

Now heres the goss, about the racing suit. The minister of war was driving down the road and spotted it sitting on the nature strip outside a private house, next to the suit was heaps of other stuff, and a big sign free.
The bloke putting the stuff out came out of the house with more stuff, and the minister of war not beleiving what she was seeing, asked the guy. The answer was a firm take it, take the lot. Hey like she needed to be told twice. So thank you very much, 1 piece racing suit near brand new, Mars brand name, in perfect condition, needs a good treatment its been sitting in the cupboard for a while. I made a quick phone call to price it, and it retails for the top of the line lined and padded $1,600 to $1,800.
Oh easter has been good. Colours well for free I aint gonna bitch, Black Red, and some flashes of white. Carnt see me using it for street riding but down the dragstrip, it will be the ducks nuts. :bigok:
Foot loose and fancy free.
Looking for adventure and what ever comes our way.

Offline Red01

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Happy Easter you lot.
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2006, 12:21:20 PM »
Sweet deal!  :bigok: Even if it doesn't fit. You could always sell it and buy something you liked better.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline jbrough7

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« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2006, 03:01:57 PM »
I am jealous as all get out!  You got pics yet?  dyin' to see them.

the only mars we got here are the bars.

Hey - if you get tired of the suit, sell it to me - it would go well with my red and black 650.



Offline B6mick

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« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2006, 07:13:19 AM »
Quote from: "Red01"
Sweet deal!  :bigok: Even if it doesn't fit. You could always sell it and buy something you liked better.

As it happens, the minister has been on my case :stickpoke:  for quite some time, to get my sad bod back into some sort of shape, having given up the smokes, the odd kilogram, has added itself around the belly. So for 4 weeks now I've been riding the push bike, every 2nd day, and clocking up around 12 miles a time and not on the flat stuff either. So at the rate I'm shedding the spare tyre off the mid section, I'll be sliding into the suit in a couple of weeks. I can get into it now, but, its a bit of hard work, and getting it off well lets just say its a 2 person job :shock: .
Oh yeh got up at some stupid hr of the night to go salmon, fishing, at a place, Donna's friend, reckon was the best place in South Oz, hmmm, froze me butt off, got plenty of nibbles, but not one fish,, could even catch a toadie, or a flathead. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Bloody south australia, shyte fishing shyte beer, the water, well lets just say, how the hell goes it pass any known test, making it fit for human consumption, you wouldn't water your garden with it. Mick ya reckon NSW, and Vic roads are sad, here they are just plain shyteful, no bloody wonder, half the population over here walk around looking like they have been smoking dope, non stop since 5 mins after they where born, or is that, spat out onto a wall, and hatched in the sunlight. Heading home monday, and looking forward to it. Donna's friend is loverly, but she sure as hell picked a terrible place to live out her time.
Foot loose and fancy free.
Looking for adventure and what ever comes our way.

Offline aussiebandit

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Happy Easter you lot.
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2006, 08:29:35 AM »
Mick, you are a PRICK.

We got back from SUNNY MELBOURNE (NOT), at around 5 this arvo.

We left on Friday morning....nice sunny weather...I even had to use the Aircon and wear my sunnies.  That was, until we crossed the border and got into NE Vic.  Well it started raining around Wangaratta and didn't stop until Saturday afternoon.

I thought, we'll try going via Whitfield/Mansfield.  Well, I can see that on Bikes when the weather was fine it would be a bloody fantasic ride.  But, in a car, when it's wet, slippery and foggy it's just not that much fun, add in to that one 10yr old who, for the first time in his life, got car sick.

It fined up for awhile in Mansfield while we had some lunch, but by the time we got to Yea it was pissing down.  We go to Lillydale with no real dramas, then we hit traffic.  I thought NSW drivers were shyte, I'd forgotten just how bad Melbourne drivers are.  For F&*k sake, can't you Vicbloodytorians pick a speed and a lane and stick to it.  

The rain backed of just enough for us to visit our eldest boy who was at Waverly umpiring girls softball.  Jeez, i'll tell you what, he's 16 and was getting paid to look at girls bums all day, does life get any better than that for a teenage boy.

Anway, we get to my 'skin and blisters' (sisters) house, have a beer or four and settle down for the night, looking forward to what Saturday would bring.  The Treasurer had been kind enough to make some arrangements with Brighton Kawasaki for a test ride or two.  So, 7o'clock Saturday morning arrives along with rain, wind and a hail storm.  I thought "this is Melbourne, we'll wait half an hour, the weather will change".  Well it did, it got bloody worse....bstards....We went and visisted Brighton Kawasaki, and A1 Brighton as well.  Very nice people at both stores, they were quite prepared and happy for us to take a test ride on their demo's, but we weren't prepared to ride unfamilar bikes, in the wet, with drivers who couldn't make up their mind which lane they were going to use, or how fast/slow they wanted to go.

We got back to my sisters place at about 1, after driving down to Frankston (it seemed like it was the thing to do).  The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful.  The trip home was good, all the trafic was going in the other direction.

We are now planning our next trip down to Melbourne, but, hopefully, on the bikes next time, if the Vicbloodytorians can arrange some good weather...oh and some driving lessons for everyone in Melbourne....

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline B6mick

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Happy Easter you lot.
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2006, 05:18:26 AM »
Quote from: "aussiebandit"
Mick, you are a PRICK.

We got back from SUNNY MELBOURNE (NOT),

Yes I'm a prick, and bloody proud of it,
and just to shyte you northerns off, when I left on thursday the weather was just fine not a cloud in the sky and a mild 25 degrees
and Monday when I got home at 4.10 am, it was a tad cold but at 4 am I would expect that, but when I finally dragged my sad ass out of bed it was a beautiful day no clouds and it must have been 20 ish degrees. :duh:
As for Vicbloodytorian drivers mate, what can I say that I haven;t said before, but yes my friend its a f*#*en sad state of affairs.
Foot loose and fancy free.
Looking for adventure and what ever comes our way.

Offline aussiebandit

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Happy Easter you lot.
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2006, 08:58:54 AM »
I have to say that Sunday was nice and Monday was better, pity I was stuck in the car for 6 hours watching guys on motorbikes go 'racing' past.  I swear I could hear the bstards laughing as they went past....

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"