Author Topic: Helmet might have been OK in a 'novelty' wreck!  (Read 2667 times)

Offline PeteSC

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Helmet might have been OK in a 'novelty' wreck!
« on: May 16, 2005, 10:57:09 PM »
Buck   was wearing a plastic "half-shell" helmet that had a sticker inside saying it was for "novelty, not protective purposes," Schlief said.

Man guilty in Benicia crash dies in motorcycle wreck
By Times-Herald staff  

Shelby G. Buck Jr., who was convicted of vehicular manslaughter for the 2001 death of a Benicia woman, died in a motorcycle accident Wednesday, police reported.
Buck, 26, of Santa Rosa, lost control of his 2004 Harley Davidson at 12:43 a.m. as he approached a curve in the road on Santa Rosa's Fourth Street, police said.

He was likely speeding when he hit the curb and struck a pole, then slid across an intersection and collided with a metal guardrail, said Sgt. Doug Schlief of the Santa Rosa Police Department.

Buck   was wearing a plastic "half-shell" helmet that had a sticker inside saying it was for "novelty, not protective purposes," Schlief said.

He suffered massive head injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene. It has not been determined if alcohol or drugs were contributing factors to the accident.

In 2003, Buck was put on probation and given community service after pleading no contest to vehicular manslaughter.

Cerina Vollmer, 21, was killed in 2001 on the Jameson Canyon portion of Highway 12 when, police said, Buck fell asleep at the   wheel and his Ford pickup collided head-on with her car.

Vollmer was a University of California, Davis student, a Benicia High School graduate and the daughter of Times-Herald Editor Ted Vollmer and Sandy Vollmer.  

Spartanburg, SC
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