AH Red im disapointed i figured you would have them your bike in one of the planes and just ride out from akron canton! 
HAHAHA! I've been here almost 19 years and only got to fly free once - and it was just around the PNW for a few hours. The only folks that get to fly around on the company dime with any semblance of regularity are those in Flight Test or the AOG (Aircraft On Ground) Team (our version of warranty/dealer repair service). The AOG folks fly to whatever airport the plane is at that needs work and work 12 hour shifts until the job is done. They fly there on regularly scheduled flights, too - not on a Company plane. They rarely have enough spare time to see any sights. Neither bunch ever gets to take more than standard luggage with them.
OTOH, when customers take their planes, they'll take home all kinds of stuff. The Chinese typically take the cargo holds packed full of used bicycles. I swear they must hit up every garage sale and second hand store within 100 miles of Seattle and take anything that's not completely pretzeled. I've seen BBQ grills, computers, cases of Washington Apples, motorcycles, cars & pickup trucks. Even saw a Class C motorhome and a Cessna 172 go to Germany on 747 Freighters (not on the same flight, but there would have been enough room in a 747 Freighter to take both). We still have a big poster around here of them loading the motorhome... it was a tight squeeze. It was too tall to go in thru the nose cargo door, and took a lot of see-sawing to get it thru the side cargo door, and turn it 90* so it'd fit. They had to take the wheels off and put it on a big pallet so it would be low enough to fit thru the side door.