Author Topic: How stupid can you get? (Motorcycle accident story)  (Read 2801 times)

Offline Barbarian

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How stupid can you get? (Motorcycle accident story)
« on: September 23, 2007, 08:03:29 PM »
I just got off the phone with the cops because they paged me about a car accident.

Turns out a police officer going along the highway to a bridge came up behind a bike that didn't have a license plate (or perhaps he was one of those idiots who bends the plate so far forward you can't read it unless you stick your head on top of the rear wheel).

So the cop fires up his lights and siren, and the biker interprets that as a starting gun and blasts down the highway. The officer doesn't even try to pursue, but just radios around to see if any other cops can set up a roadblock.

Turns out there's another officer further up on the bridge, but before this second officer can even start to slow traffic, he spots the bike.. slamming into the trunk of his squad car. The rider bounced up the rear window and into the median.

Total tally: One wrecked bike, one damaged car, one biker with a broken leg (and facing multiple charges too), and one cop suffering from shock.

And this is the kind of jackass that's convinced my province to jack up vehicle registration fees.
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Offline Sven

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Re: How stupid can you get? (Motorcycle accident story)
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2007, 12:12:32 AM »
Quote from: "Barbarian"
So the cop fires up his lights and siren, and the biker interprets that as a starting gun and blasts down the highway.

So, was this idiot trying to outrun THE MAN because of the license plate, or was he holding, or splattered in blood, what?
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Offline Vidrazor

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How stupid can you get? (Motorcycle accident story)
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2007, 12:12:48 PM »
Unfortunately that goes on all over. It's doing more than jacking up rates. In Maryland, US, there's a law being proposed to ban sportbikes off the street. While I think the motorcycle manufacturers and their puppet operation the AMA will keep that from happening, you get the idea.

Regardless, testosterone is out of control on sportbikes and is making things challenging for anyone who rides, especially if they're riding anything that even LOOKS like a sportbike.

I had a cop pull me over and ask me why I was revving up my bike and disturbing the neighborhood. What he hadn't noticed from his perspective was that it had been two other sportbikes racing in the opposite direction that created the ruckus. Once he saw my license and realized how old I was, he apologized(!) and told me he's had his hands full with sportbikes wreaking havoc in the neighborhood.

So you can expect any number of rate increases and restrictions on your riding privileges because idiots need to feel like "real men".

Offline H2RICK

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How stupid can you get? (Motorcycle accident story)
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2007, 05:31:28 PM »
Those street-racer types need to be encouraged to either go to the drag strip or the race track. Either of those venues will cure their excess testosterone problems real quick. Worked for me back in the day. My buddies and me used to rat race all the way to the strip. On the way home after 5 or 6 WFO runs on the strip, we ALL rode at or below the limit. :shock:
Drag racing puts you in touch with your mortality real quick....even at 25 years old. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Ignorance is curable. Stupidity is terminal.
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