Author Topic: If selling a B12S...  (Read 6226 times)

Offline Desolation Angel

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If selling a B12S...
« on: July 18, 2006, 12:04:34 PM »
Does anybody know what the market is like right now?  Kelly says  $4,065 for a retail value on an '01, but that wouldn't include any accessories.  Could one actually anticipate getting that?  Or are Bandit sellers still getting lowballed?

Offline ant_129

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2006, 10:50:14 PM »
Why are you looking to sell one?

 I will probably be ready to purchase one in about a month or so for around that price.  I think I you guys have convinced me to get a b12 if I can find one but first I do need to get a couple of liablity insurance quotes.
02 Bandit 1200S
Holeshot 21" slipon
Holeshot Stage 1 jet kit
Givi engine guards

Offline Dragbike

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2006, 11:18:07 PM »
That is the price I paid for my 01 1½ year ago, but I thought I got a good deal, he wanted more but $100's speak very loudly. (He was young with wife and small child) Funny thing at least in NE Okla. (Muskogee) I work at a big factory (1800 people) And what I have seen is the older riders ride the crap out of there bikes and the young guys are selling.
The opposite is true of what I though would have with the gas prices, in a way. I have seen some are selling because wife said " WE CANT GET YOU AND ME AND OUR DAUTHER ON THAT DAMN THING"!! So they are selling. So the market is not growing as I thought. But then again I thought the PET ROCK was STUPID!
01 Bandit 1 year NE Okla (49 years old and have not been caught for  doing stupid crap in 10 years) :lol:  
Bodily Injury Liability         $25,000/$50,000          $41.00
Property Damage Liability  $25,000                       $12.00
Policy Uninsured Motorist   $25,000/$50,000          $97.00
For 1 year
The $97.00 is a one time deal for all, so I pay $269.00 a year for 3 bikes
01 Bandit 1200S
99 FLHTCUI Ultra Classic Electra Glide
89 GSXR 7/11 w/turbo
88 GSX600F Katana w/1127 :)
82 Harley FLT
79 Harley Super Glide FXEF
I’m getting Old--- I remember when Sex was safe and Motorcycles were dangerous!

Offline ant_129

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2006, 11:20:50 PM »
Well the thing I keep hearing is that it is a liter bike and I am 22 but I think most of these people expect me to go for the full insurance.  I paid $125 for liablity  for a year now on my b4 and I couldn't imagine it getting more than $500 for a liter bike but who knows.
02 Bandit 1200S
Holeshot 21" slipon
Holeshot Stage 1 jet kit
Givi engine guards

Offline stormi

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2006, 03:07:58 AM »
My "almost litre" bike costs less to insure than a comparable 600.  

It really depends on the bike.  I suspect that a lot of the bigger bikes are not yet on the "radar" in regards to crashes.  

It does tend to be ( here at least) a slightly different demographic riding the big bikes.

You might luck out too,.. they might classify the b12 as a "standard" not a sport bike.

Dita - 91 Bandit 400 - SOLD
Blue - 02 Hornet 919 - Perfect Gentleman
02 KTM 200 EXC - Sold
08 VFR800 - Lowered 1.2"
17 KTM RC390
17 Husky TC85 converted to 105

Electrosport Charging System Test - it really works

Offline Desolation Angel

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2006, 09:21:15 AM »
Quote from: ant_129
Why are you looking to sell one?

 :shock:  Sell my baby?!  :shock:

Not for $4,000!  :lol:

Really, just curious.  A couple of years ago you could pick up an '01 for $3,000 and less!  Seemed like folks weren't wanting them much based on what I was seeing on Craig's List and eBay.

But that was before the gas prices went insane.

Anyway, I bought an '06 Miata a couple of weeks ago and it has made me think about whether I'll ride the Bandit that much anymore.  The MX-5 is pretty darn fun!  :motorsmile:

Offline texasbandit

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2006, 10:34:20 AM »
In Austin, TX the market seems to be very soft on Bandits, all the squids want sport bikes (most of which are overpriced) and you have to lowball the "standards" to market them.
1997 GSF1200S  (The tinkerbike)
2003 FZ1 Bumblebee (Almost stock)

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Offline Desolation Angel

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2006, 11:56:51 AM »
Quote from: texasbandit
In Austin, TX the market seems to be very soft on Bandits, all the squids want sport bikes (most of which are overpriced) and you have to lowball the "standards" to market them.

Shows how ignorant buyers are to be bypassing the Bandits.  :roll:

Offline tannerismyhero

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2006, 01:37:31 PM »
For insurance purposes my 12 is considered a standard bike. I pay 180 a year for liability and I just turned 25. I think they still have me listed as 24 on the policy because my auto rate is connected to it and the policy isn't up till oct I think. I figure I am going to try and sell mine for $3k sometime in the near future round here and get it pretty easy.  After that I will look for a wrecked one and do it up again.
01 1200s

Offline curiousmike

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2006, 01:53:57 PM »
I watch craigslist in the bay area all the time.

Bandits do not have a good re-sale value; they're posted for weeks (months) and continually go down down down.

For people who can appreciate the blandit, they're getting a helluva deal.

Offline Ranger

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2006, 10:24:00 PM »
Note to self: Leave no witnesses

Offline solman

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2006, 03:26:04 AM »
I don't buy vehicles for resale.  I buy them because I want them and plan on keeping them.
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!

Offline Desolation Angel

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2006, 09:36:42 AM »
Quote from: solman
I don't buy vehicles for resale.  I buy them because I want them and plan on keeping them.

That's how I end up with 10 year old cars!  :grin:

Offline texasbandit

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2006, 11:05:51 AM »
"For people who can appreciate the blandit, there getting a helluva deal."   curiousmike

That's the truth, and with a few tweaks the Blandit can be a real Wolf in Sheep's clothing.  Like a DW stage II, ignition advancer, D&D etc, etc, etc.

Some fool along side of me at a light in a Hemi Dodge Charger  (?Dodge Codger?) punched it at a light a couple of weeks ago,  heh, heh, heh -- I had to chuckle as he melted in my rearview mirror.  Never even got the wheel off the ground.  My wife reminded me to act like an adult?
1997 GSF1200S  (The tinkerbike)
2003 FZ1 Bumblebee (Almost stock)

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Offline solman

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If selling a B12S...
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2006, 11:47:21 AM »
My wife reminded me to act like an adult?

Is that possible when boys are playing with their toys?
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!