Author Topic: Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred  (Read 8349 times)

Offline PitterB4

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Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2006, 05:23:18 PM »
Oh now THAT'S a good idea....  Go on to their page, link to some of their advertisers and write to them with a copy of the text of this rocket scientist's Op/Ed piece.  Brilliant!  

Their web site is having major problems at the moment but here it is:
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Offline tacoman

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« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2006, 01:45:16 PM »
Thats it!  Write the paper and voice yourself.  In the past, motorcyclists and especially off roaders, have been a passive bunch.  People write articles like this and no one argues it.  In our representatives and public eyes, it becomes fact sadly to say.  A few years back we had an outdoors editor write a nasty column in the local paper about ORVs (the moron went hiking on ORV designated trails).  Whoa, did the nasty letters roll in.  He actually wrote an apology the following week!

Offline Vidrazor

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Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2006, 01:05:04 PM »
On the other side of the coin, I can't think of too many young guys (and even some gals) on sport bikes that AREN'T doing all the things this guy's bitching about. It ain't no 1%, either. Time for a reality check. I don't care how much of an old man I sound about this, we need to take a good look in the mirror.

At the recent Motorcycle Expo, I saw a multitude of stands selling videos that glamorize all this kind of dangerous behaviour on public roads, and all these video guys were looking for "new footage" and were willing to pay anyone that could supply them with it, perpectuating and expanding the problem further and further.

It's becoming quite an alarming trend with groups like this pushing all the right testosterone and ego buttons on young guys (and even gals) to go and do this kind of stuff on public roads. They're PAYING them to do so. So no matter what happens to these kids, they're not legally held accountable for it.

Of course, you can always point the finger at the kids that are doing it, and yes, they do need to be held responsible for their actions, but it's way too easy for people like this to corrupt a young mind into doing these kind of things, for their own financial gains. Let's face, young kids simply don't know better. These videos guys aren't working in a vacuum, either.

Remember, these people are promoting these videos at the premiere motorcycle show in this country (and possibly the world). Which means the bike manufacturers are indirectly helping to promote this behaviour (regardless of all the disclaimers you see on their product ads) because they know it allows them to sell their bikes to these kids. I've also seen these videos at EVERY motorcycle dealer I've been to.

So the problem doesn't really lie with guys like this newspaper editor making soapbox rants about this issue, it's the motorcycle industry (and these video publishers are a subset of that industry) and the riders that's at the core of this problem. The motorcycle industry could care less what happens to not only these kids, but any innocent bystanders in unfortunate mishaps that occur as a result of such actions, because there's big money to be made. The motorcycle industry has even gone out of their way in recent years to weaken MSF motorcycle training to make it easier for people who shouldn't be riding bikes in the first place to be handed a "license to self-distruct".

So while this guy is obviously out of line in his rant, he's not the problem here. As much as he needs to be put in check for some of his comments, the motorcycle industry, and the kids who ride these bikes in this manner need to be put in check, and more importantly held accountable, for their actions.

Unfortunately I don't see this happening anytime soon. I don't know what the numbers are, but the sport bike industry is probably the largest, or one of the largest sectors of the motorcycle industry. I'm sure it's going to keep growing too. So you're going to be seeing a lot more of that "1%" on the road. You can also expect to see more and more rants like that editor's, and sooner or later, you're going to see restrictions placed on our riding freedom. Who are you going to blame then, that editor?

Offline tacoman

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1% ers
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2006, 01:25:38 PM »
Its the way our society is, its easier to blame groups than it is to single out individuals.  Any broad based accusations need to be met head on with a counter argument.  Don't let an article like this one go unanswered or it will become fact.  Don't be afraid to contact your local representatives, write letters to the editor (my letter was printed 2 days after that outdoors editor ranked on off road riders).  Stay vocal and you will be heard.

Offline txbanditrydr

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Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2006, 01:29:23 PM »
Squids Gone Wild....   :toofunny:

Seriously, I think you make great points.  I'm not sure the "sport-bike" is one of the largest though... I would bet money the cruiser market is larger on an annual sales volume.  Like many high risk endeavors, we should police from within before outsiders do it for us yet how to do that is a tough question to answer.
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Offline Red01

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Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2006, 01:39:33 PM »
Quote from: "txbanditrydr"
I'm not sure the "sport-bike" is one of the largest though... I would bet money the cruiser market is larger on an annual sales volume.

Here's a clue as to how big the cruiser market is....

>50% of new street-legal motorcycles sold in the USA are Harleys.
Honda sells more motorcycles than HD, but only if you incude dirtbikes.
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Offline aussiebandit

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Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2006, 04:54:33 AM »
Quote from: "Red01"
Quote from: "txbanditrydr"
I'm not sure the "sport-bike" is one of the largest though... I would bet money the cruiser market is larger on an annual sales volume.

Here's a clue as to how big the cruiser market is....

>50% of new street-legal motorcycles sold in the USA are Harleys.
Honda sells more motorcycles than HD, but only if you incude dirtbikes.

Well that explains why Aussies do so well Road Racing - The biggest selling road bikes in the land of Oz last year were 1000cc sports bikes - the HD Fatboy did make the Top 10 but was beaten by Hondas VT750.  Dirt bikes did sell more than the road bikes, but that should be no surprise to anyone, most of the Aussie champs started out on dirt bikes.

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Offline tacoman

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« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2006, 02:40:20 PM »
Cruisers are huge here.  Most now have online services where you can have them customized the way you want them.  Honda with the VTX and Yamaha with the Star models have tons of stuff.  There's a few performance mods but mostly just bolt on bling.  Most cruiser riders do just that, cruise.  This shouldn't raise the public's hackles too much.

Offline Vidrazor

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Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2006, 08:34:01 PM »
You guys are losing sight of the obvious. It's inconsequential how large or small the sport bike market is. People doing stupid shit with them on public raods will eventually cost us all.

Offline aussiebandit

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Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2006, 07:41:50 AM »
Quote from: "Vidrazor"
You guys are losing sight of the obvious. It's inconsequential how large or small the sport bike market is. People doing stupid shit with them on public raods will eventually cost us all.

couldn't agree more, but to be honest, from what I've seen here in the land of Oz, there's just has many dumb a@#e knob heads on cruisers as there are on sports bikes, and lets not even talk about the squids on dirt bikes....

But at the end of the day, there is not a lot I or we can do about it, short of 'talking' to them and pointing out the error of their if they're going to listen anyway.

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Offline choppa

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Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2006, 03:46:38 PM »
As a person who believes in Karma, I know this guy will in some way get what is coming to him. By publishing such a narrowminded idea he is no better than the very ones he writes about.

Offline snofrog

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Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2006, 09:11:36 PM »
Quote from: "Vidrazor"
You guys are losing sight of the obvious. It's inconsequential how large or small the sport bike market is. People doing stupid shit with them on public raods will eventually cost us all.

jmho i would rather be surrounded by squids on sportbikes (when i`m on my bike) than a flock of cruisers coming out of the bar :beers: what i see when i`m watching squids is misplaced talent (at least the good ones lol ) what i see from the cruisers coming out of the bar on fri,sat night is lowbrow ,mouth breathing knuckle draggers with impared judgement . jmho
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Offline aussiebandit

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Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2006, 05:44:09 AM »
what i see from the cruisers coming out of the bar on fri,sat night is lowbrow ,mouth breathing knuckle draggers with impared judgement . jmho

That's a bit harsh isn't it -

just think, one day you may suddenly loose the ability and co-ordination to ride a bike with a seat height of more than 760mm at speeds greater than 80km/h around corners with a 90km/h advisory sign, and then you to will need to ride a cruiser......

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline Vidrazor

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Intolerant Editorial--Motorcycle Hatred
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2006, 12:27:19 PM »
>>jmho i would rather be surrounded by squids on sportbikes (when i`m on my bike)...<<

You might not feel that way if one of them pops a wheelie, loses control, and drops it on you as you go down the road. It's happened.

You might also not feel that way of they lose it a take out an innocent bystander along with you. It's happened.

If you're going to do stupid bike tricks, do it away from people and private property. Popping wheelie down the main strip in hopes of impressing some chick won't work too well if you should carreen into her, will it? Racing on public roads is fine if there's no one around and the road is yours. Weaving in and out of traffic at speed can get others involved that want no part of your fun.

Like the editor of that newspaper.

Offline tacoman

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« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2006, 01:28:39 PM »
I've found there is usually one thing in common with the idiots that do the stupid stunts, ride drunk, crash, etc.  In most cases they do not have an endorsement.  There was a study by the AMA on motorcycle fatalities and someone may have a more accurate figure, but I think it was in the 90% range.  Some stiffer laws and penalties are needed if you're stopped and you're not endorsed.  I don't even know what the current penalties/fines are, but they're not much of a deterrant.  Larger fines, bike impoundment, driver's license suspension, something more needs to be done.