Sorry guys, been sitting back,
BUT NOW THAT I"M UP ON ME EFEN SOAPBOXWell lets just start with my all time favorite. ( on a religious note )
He without sin shall cast the first stone.
Now just be honest with yourself, don't worry about admitting it to us.
Remember your actions, you may think that it was cool, but I'm sure as my butt hole still points downwards, someone seen you and thought, " efen squid "
Now my next favorite one. How does ( and I'm talking about down under, and what I read about the state of things in the UK.) this problem be stopped, stronger fines, lose of licence, etc etc.
I can tell ya, it ain't gonna happen, and it can not happen, even if the laws are changed so it possible to happen. And here is why.
We have govcernments that tell us they give a shyte aboout us, but the honest truth is they give a bigger shyte about revenue raising, and with the ever growing camera detection, the only real policing done on our roads are (1) camera speed detection, (2) camera red light detection, (3) random booze and drug detection. At at none of these is there licence checks.

So therefore if ya don't ride like a squid at these places, you can get away with screaming bloody murder, I know I've been doing it for years. Ok I don't go riding around pulling Mono's at every set of lights, but the odd power mono does happen, on both the B6 and the rex, I do ride hard, I get off on it. I dont think I'm being a squid putting 40, 60, 80 khp on top of the speed limit, some of joe public would think I'm a total nutter, And I do stand the risk of losing my licence for a very long time at 80kph over the limit, and will lose my licence for 3 months for 20 kph over the limit, but as I keep on saying, ya need real police doing a real policemans job to catch me doing it.
BTW yes i'm a efen squid, ( just ask 90% of the population who have seen me riding,) and I got enough balls to admit it. And yes I reckon I'm riding well within the limits of my skills, and the limits of the bikes I ride.
But I still manage to bring myself unstuck every now and then. --it happens.
Showing some age here with this old biker saying but it puts it all in a nutshell.
When we do wrong, no-one forgets.
When we do good, no-one remembers.