My insurance is $500 a year full coverage.
I remember my first motorcycle license test at the DMV in 1976.
DMV guy says "Go down this street and go thru all 5 gears. Turn left at the first intersection. Go to the next corner and turn left. Go to the next corner and turn left. Go to the next corner, turn left, and come back here to a stop. Ooooh. Hard.
Renewal test I took 15 years ago was also ridiculous. They had 15 cones randomly strewn around the parking lot, and the testor tells me to do left/right maneuvers around the cones... but in a completely random, non-sequential way. "Go left around that cone, than go right around that cone, then left around that cone..." etc etc.
There was no order to the cones he picked, they weren't numbered, and there was no arrows painted or anything. I was able to remember the first 8 or so maneuvers, but then I forgot the sequence after that. He looked at me like I was an idiot. Finally the third time I was able to remember his random order and pass the test.