Author Topic: Kawasaki ZZR600  (Read 2713 times)

Offline FreediverGa

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Kawasaki ZZR600
« on: January 22, 2006, 08:44:17 AM »
Anyone know anything about the Kawasaki  ZZR600  I'm kinda looking one!  I've find some really good reviews about them online.   Has anyone been on one or know someone that has one?  thanks for any info?

Laxson OUT

Offline ant_129

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Kawasaki ZZR600
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2006, 11:10:53 AM »
I have a friend that got a brand new 2005 back when they first came out.  He  loves the bike and swears by Kawasaki.  I never got to ride it because it was before I got my license.  I know he moded it with a stage 1 jet kit, and yoshi slip-on and that sucker would move.  He is into stunts and can do alot with that bike.  He is currently 19 and had been on a bike since he was 15.  He had a ninja 250 first and then a cruiser.  This was his third bike.  Currently he is in Phoenix, Arizona getting his motorcycle mechanic degree.  This is about all I know about the bike and a little background on the person.  I hope this helps.
02 Bandit 1200S
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Offline albertinhouston

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Kawasaki ZZR600
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2006, 04:46:46 PM »
I have a friend that has one.  that bike is fast.  everybody says it's slow.   but its not.  My friend also has a 05 600rr.  We did a highway roll.  the zzr is stock and the 600rr has a slip-on.  from a 50mph, roll he pulled 1 bike length.  we went to about 110-120. I would have like to see the top speed.  but that bike is NO beginners bike.

Offline FreediverGa

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Kawasaki ZZR600
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2006, 05:31:56 PM »
I'm not a beginner so I think I might have found my new future bike!

Offline albertinhouston

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Kawasaki ZZR600
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2006, 06:23:38 PM »
very comfy too. If I had to choose between the rr and the zzr I'd pics the kawi.

Offline ant_129

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Kawasaki ZZR600
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2006, 11:06:34 PM »
My friend claimed a 170 mph tach speed with upgrades but I don't know for sure.  I myself kind of find it hard to believe but I wouldn't see why he would lie about it.
02 Bandit 1200S
Holeshot 21" slipon
Holeshot Stage 1 jet kit
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Offline tacoman

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« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2006, 01:48:55 PM »
I haven't heard much about it but it sounds like a nice bike.  The ZZR 1200 was never a big seller.  I think it confused people.  The ergos were pretty racy but it was not a crotch rocket, so it was an uncomfortable sport tourer.  With risers and some footpeg relocation I guess it was pretty good but I think most people don't like to dump that kind of cash on a brand new bike.