Author Topic: KLR650  (Read 4112 times)

Offline aussiebandit

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« on: October 08, 2006, 08:47:41 AM »
Anyone got any information on the KLR650.  I've got a lead on one for 'the eldest'.

It's a '96 model with 51,000km on it.  The paint work looks almost to good to be true (which means it probably is).  However, the frame looks almost as good - so maybe it is a good one.

A mechanic mate has had a look at it and says "without pulling it apart, I'd say it's already had a rebuild - that's a good thing".

Asking price is $3600 (Aus).  Has no rego, but looks in fairly good condition given it's age.....

The Treasurer had a look (don't laugh, she knows more about mechanical things, particularly bikes, than I do) and other than a small 'weaping' of coolant, she couldn't really fault it....

Oh and for an extra $1400.00 there's a set of Excel Motard Rims.

What do you think, what problems should I be looking for?????

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Offline Swamp Rat

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« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2006, 10:05:13 AM »'s a 650 thumper and bot does it thump. Be prepaired for ungodly vibrations that will numb various body parts. It almost feels like a harley at idle from all the shaking. However, if you are going to ride 65/35 high way/trail ratio it's th right choice.
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Offline JamieK

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« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2006, 11:59:02 AM »
Head on over to and post your question there...lots of great advice form those guys.

I just sold my 04 KLR650. The only things I can really fault it for are brakes and top end really doesn't have either :wink: It was also to tall for me to be comfortable during low speed maneuvers (I'm only 5'7")...the brakes and height are easy fixes but the power issue was not. They are a very good multi-purpose bike though and can do long hiway stints as long as you're not in a hurry to get there :grin:
Jamie K in Edmonton<br />06 B12S, Full Muzzy, Stage 1 jets, Timing Advancer

Offline gtbandit

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« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2006, 03:30:02 PM »
I just recently returned from a 4000+ mile dual-sport trip on my KLR650. (The trip was full of high adventure and I plan on doing a full write-up about it which I will link to from this board sometime in the future.) Vibration really isn't much of an issue. The are some vibes at around 55mph (90km/h) which can be somewhat annoying, but above or below that it's fairly smooth. I agree with Dreadnought about the brakes and top-end power. The front brake does suck. There are upgrades you can do such as a larger rotor, better pads and braided brake lines, but the bike really needs a more powerful caliper. The top-end power issue makes itself known when passing at high speeds and traveling uphill in the mountains. The bike is quite comfortable for long solo rides, but two-up rides should be kept relatively short as there is not a lot of room to move fore/aft on the saddle.

In addition to (which requires you to register to access most of the site, check the faq's page: In particular, see the known issues section. The most important of which would be the "doohicky" upgrade. Find out if the bike has had this upgrade, if not make sure you do it if you buy the bike. It's not too difficult and there are great step-by-step how-to's available online. You will have to buy a couple of specialty tools, but it's not too expensive. Known issues aside, the bike is quite dependable, can go almost anywhere, is quite fun on a twisty mountain road and would make a great beginner bike.
'99 Black B12
'03 KLR650
'03 1000 V-Strom
'05 SV650
+ a few others

Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2006, 03:43:53 AM »
Thanks for the feed back - I'll certainly check out the sites you all mentioned.

The Top End power isn't going to be an issue, in fact for me it's a bonus.  In Oz, learners are restricted on what they can ride - this varies from state to state.  In NSW (where I live) a learner can ride anything up to 660cc providing the power to weight ratio is less than 150kw per tonne.  

Also, for the duration of the Learners period between 3 and 6 months they are restricted to 80km/hr (50 mph).  Then they go onto a Probationary licence for 1 or 2 years (they keep changing it).  During this time they are restricted to 90km/hr.

At no time can a learner or probationary rider carry a pillion - so the pillion comfort isn't an issue either.

By the time he wants, is allowed, more power (42hp is the figure I've seen on some web sites) he'll probably be looking to upgrade anyway.  The brakes are a concern - oh well it'll teach him to use both brakes like you should anyway - it'll also stop him from doing 'stoppies' - that's another bonus (for me - not him).

Again, thanks

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Offline JamieK

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« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2006, 11:31:20 AM »
We shouldn't scare you too much about the brakes, the KLR stops fairly well but if you hop off a sportbike and onto a KLR you'll be a bit shocked the first time you try to use them :wink:
Jamie K in Edmonton<br />06 B12S, Full Muzzy, Stage 1 jets, Timing Advancer

Offline madmotorcyclist

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KLR 650
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2006, 12:41:12 PM »
I'd say it's overpriced.  That's about what I paid for a 2000 model two years ago that only had 5500 miles on it.  Otherwise, they're good bikes.

Joe Grove
Jonesboro, AR

Offline aussiebandit

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Re: KLR 650
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2006, 02:56:35 AM »
Quote from: madmotorcyclist
I'd say it's overpriced.  That's about what I paid for a 2000 model two years ago that only had 5500 miles on it.  Otherwise, they're good bikes.

Joe Grove
Jonesboro, AR

Remember I'm in the Land of Oz, not the good 'ol US of A.

I looked at a couple of valuation sites and they all tell me that a '96 KLR650 is valued between $3100-$3900 on the used bike market - obviously depending on condition.  

It turns out that the bike is on consignment at the shop, and in a weird twist of events my wife (The Treasurer) spoke to the guy who actually owns it this morning.  She'd rung him on business and got chatting about bikes in general and he mentioned that he had a bike for sale, a KLR650, but it was at a shop on consignment.  So it looks like we'll get it a bit cheaper - probably more like $2500 - which means the budget will now stretch to a set of Excel Motard rims.

Just had the mechanic look at it, his opinion - "Buy it - have you put a deposit on it - make sure you do" - He checked the compression, gearbox, cooling system etc etc and found only two things wrong - the rocker cover gasket may need replacing for rego, and the sparkplug needed replacing.

As for scaring me with the brakes - hell they couldn't be worse than the GR650 I used to ride, or the CD250U the treasurer had at one stage.

One thing I was impressed with on a little test ride round the block - yes I will take it for a longer ride before I hand over any dollars - was how easy it was to do 'feet up - full lock turns at almost a standstill'

What I have to remember is 'THE BIKE IS FOR MY SON, NOT ME' however as it's my money that will be buying it, registering it, putting fuel in it etc, I'm sure I can come to some 'arrangment' with the boy.

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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2006, 08:55:06 AM »
I (Ok, The Treasurer) did the deal tonight.

We get the bike for $2550.00 and the XL Rims for $1200.

Pick it up Friday - Now all I have to do is sell the Colt and I'll be able to register it - I tell you owning 5 vehicles in NSW isn't cheap - 4 is no fun so 5 is just not going to happen......

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline land_shark

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« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2006, 10:58:26 AM »
Interesting.  I'm actually picking up a 2001 KLR 650 on Sunday... has had some server trouble lately, so they're using a temporary board (as of yesterday, anyway) until things get sorted.  There are lots of posts in the Thumpers section over at
2000 B12 "Hiro"
2001 KLR650 "Putt-putt"
2005-ish 47cc Cagllari "Balzac"