Portland OR to AZ April 10th doesn't have me being wet and frozen in the north then fried when I hit the desert south LOL. I have to warn you all, Ill be posting the results, so drink plenty of coffee LOL.
It really depends on the el nino cycles. I've been up there in April and it was pretty nice, a bit crowded with outta state cagers but pretty nice.
I have also been up there in April when I thought someone diverted the flood gates at Bonneville damn and decided to water that section of the state; last trip it stated raining around Cottage Grove and was a downpour by the time I got up towards SW Portland/Beaverton/Hillsbubble area.
Word of advice: Take rain gear and/or rain proof gear, plenty of plastic bags to line your suit and plenty of shield cleaner.
As long as you're up there, you should motor on further north, stop in and give Paul some shit...if for no other reason than he's Paul and probably deserves it