My 18 year old son wanted to buy a bike pretty badly this year, after "many" discussions about what bike to buy( he already has a RM 125) I convinced him that he should look at a "standard" type of bike, after him looking and looking he picked one I then took him to a local bike show, they had all the Jap bikes and Harleys.
So after getting him to sit on every concievable bike their he decided that he liked the Yamaha FZ-6 so we went and HE bought it. Now after 1 season he wants a bigger bike but he thinks that he will do 1 more year on the FZ, after I explained to him the reality that this year he was just learning and next year he will probably start putting it all together and really fly and that is when he will be most at risk of going down.
I am pretty sure that in 09 he'll be buying a GSXR or the Aprillia that he likes and by then DAD won't be worried so I'll help him get whatever he wants.
In case you're curious his FZ-6 with PC-3, K&N, slip on Cat removal is just as fast as my stock 1250, I took him to our local dragstrip and he was pulling 11.9 consistantly and on the last run of the evening he beat me
not bad for a 600.
Now he knows what a bike can do and if I can convince him to do a track day I will. Ya he,s gona kick my ass but what he will learn will be priceless. Man am I going to feel old