Author Topic: Loud pipes DON'T saves lives  (Read 16961 times)

Offline Bazza

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« on: April 27, 2006, 02:30:21 AM »

Offline B6mick

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 06:05:10 AM »
Sorry Bazza gotta disagree again.
And the 1st paragraph of the article you send us says this....and I quote

"All other things being equal, a loud motorcycle probably gets more attention than a quiet one, but at what cost? Is this good attention or bad attention? Let's think about this"

Any attention, as I have argued before has got to be betta than none at all.
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Offline jesjames9598

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2006, 06:46:04 AM »
+1 b6

Offline mike

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2006, 07:33:02 AM »
Oh I dunno. Lets for discussion, say the bike is too loud causing the car driver to get pissed off at the rider for beng a sound pollutant, then proceeds to get dstracted from their larger picture driving focus.  So now we're in a situaition more dangerous (lsay on a crouded freeway) where the car driver is distracted from the vehicles around it and is predestined to focus on the noise pollution instead of the entire taffic picture.

I would rather get noticed, not necessarily become a distraction to the driver, which could have  snowball effect with other vehicles distracting their attention from the big picture.

I think the article is just saying the typical loud straight pipe V-twins or the crotch rockets with track exhausts are bad after a certain point,  They become a distraction instead of a positive attention getter.  I think it's more up to the rider to get the right kinda of attention, than his loud exhaust notes.

Another typical example of this driver behavior would be:  You've seen it happen when an ambulance siren approaches, the cars start searching for the source of the siren, rather than concentrate on pulling to the side of the road cautiously.

It's OK to have varying opinions on the subject, but your statement is a little closed minded or one sided.  Open your mind to main idea in the article;  it's been around for a long time and has more than just one side for consideration.


Offline aussiebandit

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2006, 07:55:26 AM »
I going to sit on the fence on this.....

I agree that louder than standard exhausts do provide motorcyclists with a better chance of being noticed and therefore avoided.....

Case in point, I have far more trouble with cage drivers doing silly things around me than the Treasurer does.....the main reason is (and I've actually had people who aren't bikers tell me this) that they can actually hear her M750 with Staintunes (nil by baffles) whereas with my bog standard, straight out of the crate, ADR compliant bike can't be heard over a moped

However, I do agree that EXTREMELY LOUD pipes do cause a distraction to the cage drives, giving them more to think about than their small under developed brains can handle....

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Offline B6mick

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2006, 07:57:30 AM »
Without opening another can of worms about helmets or no helmets.

We all agree that helmets do in fact save lives.
I hope we are all open minded enough, to know under some circumstances helmets kill riders, that If in fact hadn’t been wearing a helmet would of walked away from the scene of the accident with minor injuries.

Now we go on wearing our lids as required by law, knowing if by the wrong circumstances come your way it’s gonna kill us. But we argue that if helmet use, saves 100 and takes 1 it’s a small but acceptable ratio.
My argument is loud pipes do save lives, and I’m not standing up on my soapbox telling everyone that you all must have loud pipes, in fact far from it. But what I am saying is by my own experience as a professional rider, courier, that loud pipes whether they attract a negative reaction from drivers or a positive reaction, at least the driver is aware of my presence. And as with acceptable ratios if loud pipes save just 1 rider in the world per year, that’s one less needless death, of a friend, father, mother, brother, sister, son, or daughter.

As I have stated in previous threads about loud pipes, there is not statistics on near misses, and no numbers on real, accident being averted by the fact a driver has become aware at the last moment of a riders presence because of load pipes. So all I have to go by is my over 1 million miles and 30 years in the saddle experience. And that tells me loud pipes do in fact save lives, and drivers on my road side tops, tell me so. That’s no university study, that’s no academic cod’s wallop, that’s no scientific study, that’s out there in the real world experience.
"Gee mate I didn't see ya coming but I heard ya"
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Offline mike

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2006, 08:06:48 AM »
Very well said guys..  Every scenario has multiple sides, intelligent/successful  problem solvers consider all their options...    That was really my point... One sided viewpoints always seem extremely biased to me, yall did a good job explaining the differnt sides to be considered on the load exahust subject-very valid points and exampes for both sides.
 :beers:  :bigok:

Offline aussiebandit

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2006, 08:13:26 AM »
Thankyou Sir, may I be let out of school early......... :stickpoke:

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Offline mike

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2006, 08:18:31 AM »
:lol: Do you have a signed letter from your doctor ?   :lol:  :beers:

The school nurse is free if you just need a Tylenol...  :duh: "Oh, my HEAD>>>  :duh:   That load bike has given me a migraine." :motorsmile:

Offline B6mick

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2006, 08:19:03 AM »
Not until you have presented a 500 word statement on how you feel about load pipes young man. :stickpoke:
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Offline aussiebandit

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2006, 08:25:28 AM »
Oh but Sir, I do want to go and ride my nice, quiet, sensible, non-offensive B12.....I promise Sir....I'll only ride the Treasurers nasty, noisy, over the top M750 on the weekend....oh please sir

Even if I say so myself.....


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Offline Desolation Angel

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2006, 09:34:26 AM »
OK, I know I'll get flamed, but what the h$ll!  Loud pipes?  Hate them.  Very obnoxious.  Now, that said, I have seldom experienced these except on Harleys.  Personally, I don't mind a moderate increase in sound that aftermarket cans get you for our bikes, but with mine, Holeshot, only a bit of rumble is added at normal throttle levels.  It only gets LOUD if I really want it to!

If it were legal, the next time a Harley rider blipped his throttle in my ear at a stoplight, I would shoot him in the head!   :stop: :roll:   And when one drives by my house doing the speed limit and I can hear him over my television in the far back room, well, I get to shoot him for that, too.  And when it's between 10:00 PM and 8:00 AM, I get to torture him before I kill him.  If I'm in my yard or on the road and I think I'm getting machine gunned, then I get to react accordingly!

All things in moderation.  Don't offend everyone around you because you want people to think you have a drag racer!  You don't.  Everyone knows you don't.  Quit pretending.  You're an adult, not a child.

Thank you.  :bigok:

Offline B6mick

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2006, 09:44:40 AM »
Sorry I keep coming back but this statement is total bullshyte and I quote
"Hell, a $30.00 reflective safety vest will save your biscuit a thousand times before that four-into-one will." What a load of cod's wallop.

And yes I have tried the reflective Day-Glo orange jacket.
I trialed them for the courier company I worked for. Now remembering I was on the road 12 to 14 hrs per day 5 days a week
And I would actually ask drivers that cut me off, pulled out in front of me, and all the shyteful things that car drivers do.
They 99% of the time stated, and I quote “Sorry mate I didn't see you", and your standing there asking what part didn't they see. The headlight on, the white helmet with reflective crap all over it, the orange Day-Glo reflective jacket. It’s a bit like leading a horse to water, but you can not make the F*#*er drink it. Of course you didn't see me you twat, you didn't F*#*en look. If he at least hears you he might then look.

Again these conclusions are not made in uni, or by some brain trust, these are real world facts. The reflective jacket did not reduce the number of near misses I had per week in the 6 months I trialed the jackets. The company I worked for did not invest in supplying the rest of the fleet with them either. People who publish such dribble like the one Bazza has point us to, must either not ride or live in the real world or are to busy do Gooding, to see though the total crap that they are writing about.
I ask where is his stats, on how Day-Glo jackets will reduce accidents are.
Because my stats, sourced from the real world of motorcycling, me, prove his theory wrong and give clear reasons why. Now don't get me wrong I ain't hanging shyte on anyone who chooses to wear Day-Glo reflective jackets, if it makes you feel safer, so be it, in fact I will argue black and blue thats its your bloody right to do so. And I will not preach to you not too. I’m sorry, if I have very little time for  F*#*wits when they preach to me that a orange Day-Glo jacket is going to do more for my safety, than a loud 4 into 1 system.
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Offline Vidrazor

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2006, 11:27:41 AM »
Load pipes annoy neighbors, wake up little children you've spent hours trying to put to sleep, will probably scare the shit out of senior citizens into a heart attack (maybe not such a bad thing, one less bluehair :-), and identifies you as VERY sophomoric.

And, all other things are NEVER equal...

Offline tacoman

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Loud pipes
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2006, 02:15:29 PM »
I'm against obnoxiously loud pipes.  This may be do to the fact we have a ton of Harley/custom chopper knuckleheads running around with straight pipes.  They love to ride these thru town and around parks annoying the heck out of everyone.  A good defensive rider on a quiet bike will fare just as well or better as a mufflerless moron.