Author Topic: Loud pipes DON'T saves lives  (Read 16963 times)

Offline PaulVS

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2006, 02:41:01 PM »
I am one of those people that will probably be arrested for taking a shotgun to one of the A-holes that rides his straight-piped Harley past my house.  Those mo-fos are so loud they kill sparrows & stun low flying ducks.

That being said... I have a Yosh pipe.

It can be whisper quiet when I want - but if I get stuck in a cager's blind spot on the highway  - I can blip the throttle and get his attention... make him know I'm there.  That's the only instance I've found where noise helps.

Offline vadim

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2006, 06:53:57 PM »
I have an idea.  Tomorrow I'll twist my pipe to point forward.  Let'em all ahead of me hear that I am coming! :)


Btw, I find that at high RPMs my engine makes a lot more noise than my stock pipe.  And IMO, I wouldn't want anything louder under my butt anyway.
'01 600s

Offline mike

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2006, 07:45:38 PM »
Has anybody ever started their bike with open headers ?  I did when I nstalled my Holeshot 17", talk about loud.  My little cousin was watching me do the pipe install in 2001.   I started it with open headers and gave the throttle a whack.  When I turned around he was running toward the house.  I went inside, my mom bitched me out becuase I made him cry; and said he would have nightmares.  Boy, I got a chuckle out of that one, not in fornt of them though...

Usually with my Holeshot 17" comp, when I rolled into my drive I was running quiet low rpms no engine load, you could barely know I arrived home, it was real quiet in those conditions.

My brother on the other hand ran staright pipes on his V-Star twin, and even at low rpm I could hear that headache coming a 2 blocks away.  But, he was a notorious idiot, liked letting everyone know his bike was loud, so he loaded the engine coming down the street.  

We both also had GM model trucks.  Mine was stock exhaust, his was dual with glasspacks.  And he didn't do it for performance, just noise-because he had stock exhaust manifold (no headers) and no remap on the fuel injection.  Just a noise maker, like his bike.  And he never would line up with me, even though he constantly said his bike had more CC's.  Secretly, he knew who had the better performing machine but wouldn't own up to it in front of people or admit it to me.  He never would put his money where hs mouth was, even when I offered to give him 5 lengths and said I wouldn't go beyond 3rd gear and would pass him in 2nd.

I can understand the noise some aftermarket exhausts make, its the price you pay to open up the airflow for performance.

But, I cannot understand or agree with anyone doing a mod strictly to make noise.  I t makes no sense and just proves how ignorant and ego based you are (you have to be noticed, plain and simple ego).

Offline Desolation Angel

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2006, 08:30:48 PM »
Quote from: "vadim"
I have an idea.  Tomorrow I'll twist my pipe to point forward...

 :shock:  Hmm, that sounds like an OCC modification!  :stickpoke:

Offline JimBob

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Holeshot Performance
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2006, 07:58:59 PM »
I just put a small, 14" Holeshot Performance can on my 1200S,.......and yes, its a loud one. To do it over agin I'd likely buy the 17" and quiet it down a few Db's,......but I personally enjoy the howl !!

But my opinion after owning 13 or so bikes with many different pipes on them is that loud does not save lives in and of itself. It may make someone feel like they are being noticed, and it may actually do that from time to time, but the reality is simple,...

If you get into a wreck and its your fault, then you know what to do next time.
If you get into a wreck and it was their fault,........It's STILL your fault. You have to ride as though nobody sees you, hears you, or notices that you exist. YOU have to take the responsibility for avoiding death. Look, listen, watch closely where they are looking, what they are doing, if they are on a cell phone, etc. You are the best defense. Not the pipe.

Heb 11:6  But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Offline Rocketboy

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2006, 11:15:59 AM »
I came about 6 inches from getting smoked by a girl on her cell phone backing out of her driveway yesterday. I was watching her to see when she'd glance my way and start slowing down, but it didn't happen until she was mostly in the road and the horn was blaring at her.  Oh, and i was in a cage, not even a motorcycle.  Could've been the space shuttle and she wouldn't have seen me.

Offline PaulVS

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Re: Holeshot Performance
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2006, 01:07:24 PM »
Quote from: "JimBob"
If you get into a wreck and it was their fault,........It's STILL your fault. You have to ride as though nobody sees you, hears you, or notices that you exist. YOU have to take the responsibility for avoiding death.

That's what I tell all new riders.  Almost EVERY motorcycle accident should be looked at as the biker's fault.  There's plenty of dead motorcyclists who had the right-of-way.


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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2006, 09:35:07 PM »

Offline jbrough7

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2006, 09:44:22 PM »
I've got stock pipes that are so quiet I hardly know the thing is running.  Some neighbours down the street have Harleys with some kind of BRRRPPP pipes.  I dunno - they're not for me, but I kinda like hearing them and then watching the guys go by.  I suppose if we shared a duplex those pipes would drive me crazy.

Offline Desolation Angel

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2006, 10:27:19 PM »
Quote from: "jbrough7"
I've got stock pipes that are so quiet I hardly know the thing is running.  Some neighbours down the street have Harleys with some kind of BRRRPPP pipes.  I dunno - they're not for me, but I kinda like hearing them and then watching the guys go by.  I suppose if we shared a duplex those pipes would drive me crazy.

When your warranty runs out try a Holeshot.  I'm likin' 'em.

Offline ArcticEd

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2006, 11:27:02 PM »
Quote from: "Desolation Angel"
Quote from: "vadim"
I have an idea.  Tomorrow I'll twist my pipe to point forward...

 :shock:  Hmm, that sounds like an OCC modification!  :stickpoke:

No way.
If it was from OCC, it would have been an "ide-ar".
Some people are like Slinkies.
They're really good for nothing.
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Offline B6mick

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Re: Holeshot Performance
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2006, 12:14:08 AM »
Quote from: "JimBob"

If you get into a wreck and its your fault, then you know what to do next time.
If you get into a wreck and it was their fault,........It's STILL your fault. You have to ride as though nobody sees you, hears you, or notices that you exist. YOU have to take the responsibility for avoiding death. Look, listen, watch closely where they are looking, what they are doing, if they are on a cell phone, etc. You are the best defense. Not the pipe.

 I agree in part, with your statement, but I feel you’re a bit harsh in the statement that any motorcycle car, truck, bus collision, is always the motorcyclist fault.
I agree that that one can limit, the possibilities of collisions, and have proved this theory, and in fact, practiced it. But even so we as motorcyclists, are unable to control, or anticipate, all reactions, counter reactions, or abilities of our fellow road users, or the changing environment in which we are riding in.

 Your statements, would be however quite correct in the perfect world with perfect fellow road users, and ourselves being perfect riders within a perfect riding environment.
But unfortunately none of the last sentence is fact; in fact it’s totally fictional and will always remain so. Whilst any human control, is involved with the operation of any mechanical devise, there is going to be unintentional accidents. Now, that is a proven scientific fact.

Yes it is up to us the motorcyclist to lesson the risks, by defensive riding techniques,
And as I have previously stated, if one feels that Hi-Vis jackets make you feel that risks factors are being reduced so be it, do so.
I feel that the dynamics of sound also help reduce the risk.
And I do not need, as suggested, to face my pipes forward :duh: , as I well know that low frequency sound waves travel in all directions from its point of origin almost equally unlike, high frequency sound waves. Hence why people riding in front of me, can hear me coming even when I’m 10 or so bike lengths behind them. (Right Aussie? :motorsmile: )

Proven theory. Next time that huge assed V Twin comes on by, upsetting some to the point of wishing to commit murder :shock: , ( Which in its self is a worrying factor, just maybe professional help should be sort, in the form of anger management :stickpoke: ), sit back for a second before flying into rage, is it fact, you can hear it coming. Or is it, your huge assed V Twins are breaking the speed of sound? :congrats:

You know, people that are continually bitching about noise pollution, have me wondering, and is it, that they have nothing better to do. We here where I live have been laughing for years about just such people. They buy cheap assed houses, adjoining an airport which has been there since Jesus was a lad. These people are now claiming that the airport needs to be shut down, because they can not get a good nights sleep. Even now there are cases before the courts claiming damages against the airports operators, for all sorts of mental and medical aliments. Surely there is the need for far greater attention, on other environmental issues that in fact, are killing people, causing cancer, and other very nasty diseases, not those that are just a momentary source of nuisance. :boohoo:

And to further strengthen my argument,
Visual perception is at best approximately 180 degrees across the axis of the eyes.
Audible perception is a full 360 degrees across the axis of the ears.

There we go, we are actually producing facts and proven theories.
Where the hell are any, other than unequivocal dribble and farcical facts from those who would have us believe that loud pipes don’t save lives? None, other than hearsay and at best, half truths.

 Piss poor effort guys.
Foot loose and fancy free.
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Offline mike

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2006, 08:02:56 AM »
I'd just chalk it up to personal opinion, mick...  Everyone's gonna have one, doubt it's a debate that'll ever be won or lost.  not really worth workin' up a sweat on..  that's the way I see it anyways...

Mike :)

Offline deepink

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2006, 09:51:39 AM »
They are no more annoying than a screaming, whiny child in a restaurant,  or some dickweed with his cell phone ringer volume turned up to the highest level, playing some shitty rap song in the middle of a theater.

It's all relative, guys.  We all get over crying babies and cell phone ringers.  Get over the sound of loud pipes.  We will always have people forcing their ways, thoughts, sounds, and such into our lives.  Cell phones have proven that.

How many times have you heard someone on their cell taling about their last colonoscopy, or who died, or "I totally can't believe you went home with that super hot guy last night."  And yes I said heard - not overheard.  Because the person could care less who else is around.  Yes, I want to take the cell phone (or that stupid cyborg looking head gear they have on), rip it off their ear and shove it up their rear ends, but I don't.

Just like they don't sit around on the RAZR forum (if there is one) and talk about whether or not it is responsible to talk as load as they can on their phone in public.

Just as I doubt the people with screaming babies get on their forums and bitch and moan about each side of their story.  I can see it now :

OMG this lady gave me the evil eye at Crackerbarrel the other day because little (insert yuppie baby name here) was throwing a fit.  She should just get over it because I'm gonna let my baby cry as loud as she wants whenever she want.

Are you serious! That is so Rooooooood (Rude).  I can't belive you are not more responsible with your children when you go out to eat.  That is a privilage - you are lucky they didn't kick you out with those screaming kids.  How obnoxious.

Of course, that's my little opinion.  This topic has been beat to death - just like the guy at the theater with the loud ringer.

Oh yeah - and here is my disclaimer -

I happen to have a loud pipe
(when I want it to be - out on the highway or track, not in my neighborhood).
I happen to have a screming baby with one on the way
(but he doesn't go to restaurants - because he's not old enough to eat all that junk food, and McDonald's crap food will be the only restaurant they go to until they are 5, and I know they will act appropriately)
And I use a Blackberry phone/PDA for business and personal use, and I leave it in the car when I go to a movie.

With that said - start bashing me left and right for my thoughts and opinions. HeHeHeHeHe.
2001 Bandit 1200 - \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Revised\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"

Offline Desolation Angel

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Loud pipes DON'T saves lives
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2006, 11:50:00 AM »
Hey, if you like loud pipes, or any other loud noise, then by all means have them!  I support everyone's right to own them, but maybe take a peek at where you live?  Live in the sticks...loud pipes cool.  Live in a neighborhood with houses everywhere and near the street...loud pipes rude.

I'm not picking on just bikes.  When that '69 Mach I or whatever it is blasts by with its 450 cu. in. engine and glasspacks, why, I want to shoot them, too!  :lol:

Equality for all under my law!