If you get into a wreck and its your fault, then you know what to do next time.
If you get into a wreck and it was their fault,........It's STILL your fault. You have to ride as though nobody sees you, hears you, or notices that you exist. YOU have to take the responsibility for avoiding death. Look, listen, watch closely where they are looking, what they are doing, if they are on a cell phone, etc. You are the best defense. Not the pipe.
I agree in part, with your statement, but I feel you’re a bit harsh in the statement that any motorcycle car, truck, bus collision, is always the motorcyclist fault.
I agree that that one can limit, the possibilities of collisions, and have proved this theory, and in fact, practiced it. But even so we as motorcyclists, are unable to control, or anticipate, all reactions, counter reactions, or abilities of our fellow road users, or the changing environment in which we are riding in.
Your statements, would be however quite correct in the perfect world with perfect fellow road users, and ourselves being perfect riders within a perfect riding environment.
But unfortunately none of the last sentence is fact; in fact it’s totally fictional and will always remain so. Whilst any human control, is involved with the operation of any mechanical devise, there is going to be unintentional accidents. Now, that is a proven scientific fact.
Yes it is up to us the motorcyclist to lesson the risks, by defensive riding techniques,
And as I have previously stated, if one feels that Hi-Vis jackets make you feel that risks factors are being reduced so be it, do so.
I feel that the dynamics of sound also help reduce the risk.
And I do not need, as suggested, to face my pipes forward

, as I well know that low frequency sound waves travel in all directions from its point of origin almost equally unlike, high frequency sound waves. Hence why people riding in front of me, can hear me coming even when I’m 10 or so bike lengths behind them. (Right Aussie?

Proven theory. Next time that huge assed V Twin comes on by, upsetting some to the point of wishing to commit murder

, ( Which in its self is a worrying factor, just maybe professional help should be sort, in the form of anger management

), sit back for a second before flying into rage, is it fact, you can hear it coming. Or is it, your huge assed V Twins are breaking the speed of sound?
You know, people that are continually bitching about noise pollution, have me wondering, and is it, that they have nothing better to do. We here where I live have been laughing for years about just such people. They buy cheap assed houses, adjoining an airport which has been there since Jesus was a lad. These people are now claiming that the airport needs to be shut down, because they can not get a good nights sleep. Even now there are cases before the courts claiming damages against the airports operators, for all sorts of mental and medical aliments. Surely there is the need for far greater attention, on other environmental issues that in fact, are killing people, causing cancer, and other very nasty diseases, not those that are just a momentary source of nuisance.

And to further strengthen my argument,
Visual perception is at best approximately 180 degrees across the axis of the eyes.
Audible perception is a full 360 degrees across the axis of the ears.
There we go, we are actually producing facts and proven theories.
Where the hell are any, other than unequivocal dribble and farcical facts from those who would have us believe that loud pipes don’t save lives? None, other than hearsay and at best, half truths.
Piss poor effort guys.