Yes opinions are like assholes everyone’s got one.
You know Mike, I’m not actually working up a sweat over opinions, in fact its bloody hard here at the moment to get up a sweat full stop, good old Melb weather has us rained in for the last 3 days,

the bikes are polished, the shed is spotless, and as for the cable Television, well 143 channels of total shyte to choose from, so crossing swords, with anyone over the subject of whether of not, loud pipes save lives, has actually been about the only thing that has kept me amused and sane over the past 3 days.
But having just said that, every one would know I am passionate about my motorcycling,
and an advocate for making it safer. However I will not idlely sit back at let, dribble such as that, which has been presented to us at Bandit Alley, which within its very first sentence, contradicts its whole argument against loud pipes. (Once again,

hey Pete)
I don’t know about how things are done in your respective countries, but down here, politicians aids, search the web for places like Bandit Alley, to use such dribble, whether the dribble is actually factual, truthful, or has any creditable value, if it falls into the agenda that is being pursued they will use it. And further more if no-one stands up and points out the untruths, the flaws in the theories, and that so called facts are nothing more than someone’s, misinformed, uneducated opinion, such articles will be, and have been used against us.
Yes I admit there is a few among us the motorcycling fraternity, for the want of a better word, I shall call them 1%ers. Yes some of them ride really really loud bikes. But surely this is nothing more than a momentary nuisance factor, should we let governments stop us from modifying our bikes, in order to make it run better than it would and does when it comes from the factory. Well folks it’s high time that you put things back into some sort of perspective, because dribble like the one, claiming loud pipes don’t save lives, is going to have a direct impact on you, me, and every other motorcyclist. And are the 1%ers going to take any notice? Forgive me for answering my own question, No. So all that the article stating that loud pipes do not save lives, will do is impact on those, who don’t wish to ride on a bike that, at best can be out noised by the farts, at the local beans and chilly dinner.
One should maybe look at the loud 1%er as in actual fact our best friend, because while the law, and the EPA is out hassling them, they are leaving us alone.